i could take what’s apart and put it back together…

So today was a driving day. En route to Boston we stopped in Poukipsee to meet up with Drie from synestheticlight.com and go check out the Pines resort in the Catskills. We were going to go to Concorde too but there is very little light these days, so we only had time for the Pines. wow lovely huge place. Totally didn’t see all of it, but she took me to the highlights. i got me a “new” pines summer camp tshirt as well 🙂 i took a same picture as eatstoomuchjam, the mossy desk drawers. we’ll see how it looks hehe. Drie was way cool, gonna have to plan a trip back out there on a weekend to do Hudson psych. I haven’t looked at my pictures yet. I bought a card reader at walmart cuz i figured i’d take tons of pics at byberry, take pics at one of the shows, and need to clear the card. but byberry was boring, and i haven’t taken the digital to any shows, and it’s pretty worthless without a tripod so it didn’t get alot of use at the Pines either, so i don’t feel like opening the reader up. i’ll just take it back to walmart back home.

So currently in a hotel in Revere, MA (reveah if you live around here haha). There are 2 bands staying in the hotel tonight. but not trent haha we’re in a freaking rodeway haha. oh!! haha on the drive from wilkes barre to poukepsie, we passed this red tour bus. at the WB show, the same red tour bus showed up at the venue. it was the last bus to arrive. after soundcheck and we were being herded around the arena, adr2 was spying on the security guards to try to find out how they were going to let us on the floor, and she overheard them saying that Trent was late arriving at the arena which was why the soundcheck was so late. incase you haven’t guessed, red bus arriving last at the arena, same red bus on the highway in the direction of boston….we noticed the connection and put a hi trent sign in the window as we passed HAHA we’re insane.

Trying to get tickets to the show tomorrow. Crap balcony tickets still available, but we’re gonna see if anyone from cragislist gets back to me, and see what shows up tomorrow in the drop line. we’ll have to settle for nose bleeds in the end, because we know that the show we don’t go to will be the show they do the meet and greet at (like NYC for example). kate’s not going with me to toronto on thurs anymore for the show so i have an extra ticket. can’t scalp it cuz it’s a fan club ticket. called tony to see if he can find leo at work and ask if he wants it. can’t think of anyone who might want to go. anyone local reading this, if you want it, let me know. eric – i know you work, and i’m going up way early to try to get into sound check, but you can take it if you want.

i really need new socks. they all have holes.

oh and on the mass pike, a radio station did an emergency broadcast that wasn’t just a test. i’ve never heard one that wasn’t a test before. they used to scare the crap out of me when i was a kid, much like the Durez siren. but the emergency broadcast was for an amber alert of a missing girl abudcted by her mom. by the time we got to the hotel they had been found.

seems like salvation comes only in our dreams

wilkes barre today. we were going to go at 9 but i couldn’t get out of bed and adr2 was sick, so i got up and went when one of the girls we had met in philly called to see where we were. so we went to find the arena, had no clue where it was. figured there’d be signs. nope. ended up calling the girl for directions, got there, established a spot then left to go put real clothes on haha. stood outside in gale winds for 5 hours. it could have been worse, it could have done more than sprinkled for 5 minutes. and we had good company.

it was getting late and hopes of a soundcheck today were falling but they finally let us in. trent was late getting there. this time they did “reptile”, “the frail/the wretched”, “deep” and “wish”. awesome again. i still think it’s such a cool thing that they’re doing for their fans. mass confusion ensued afterwards about where they were taking us to wait, and how we were going to get on the floor. but it all went well and i ended up by myself at the barrier on jeordie’s side, along with a girl from the line. talked to this other girl next to us tons. she works for aveda and is gonna send me free samples hehe

the show itself…trent was pissed. after the first song they raise the curtain up, except this time it was stuck. a cord from some equipment thing got stuck in the wires and almost knocked one of the big crates that holds the lights over. meanwhile the curtain is stuck half way up for the beginning of “you know what you are”. trent was piiiiissssed. he went on a rant about punching the guy who works the curtain in the head hahah. threw some stuff around. typical angry trent. got “even deeper” and “dead souls” again. it was a cool show once again, but lacked something. maybe people. only half the tickets were sold. it was weird. same setlist as philly but without “something i can never have”

off to explore tomorrow in downstate ny, and drive the rest of the way to boston. i really want to find someplace to get my hair cut.

and you, you’re just happy to be here!

ok philly was the best of the 6 shows so far this leg. with 3 more to go i have high hopes for toronto. but yeah. this was definitely the best.

first off, we headed to wachovia spectrum at eleven stopping for lunch by eastern state on the way. when we got to the arena at noon it didn’t look good for us getting into soundcheck – rumor was only about 50 people got let in each show. met a few cool people, all of which were going to wilkes-barre sunday too. since it seemed that people kept cutting into line the whole afternoon we made a deal that we’ll all try to get there at 9 tomorrow and whoever gets there first we can go in line with them. plus the one couple are staying across the street too so we’ll have a bathroom etc.

around 4 everyone got let into the arena for soundcheck, SCORE!! we were all seated in the back of the seats to wait for things to get set up. various band members came on stage and were doing their thing. aaron started playing “eye of the tiger” so everyone clapped, being in philadelphia and all haha. trent came out and it was just really really cool to see. cuz he was just walking around playing the guitar as opposed to performing (and it IS different). they started playing “dead souls”!! half way through they let us out of the seats and up front to the barrier. so friggen cool. from “dead souls” they went into “the frail/the wretched” which is always rocking whether the lights are on or off. then shock of shocks, they did “a request for this old classic”….deep!!! omg never expected that. very very cool. after trent commented to remind his light guy to fix the super mario look of the lighting. they finished up with “wish”. lemme tell you, soundcheck was just so cool. such a great thing to do for the people who have stuck around the last 5 years, and yeah. just in awe. trent was very humble, thanking everyone, and stating how doing soundcheck with everyone was much more intimidating with the lights on and them all exposed and naked on stage. and every girl and probably a lot of guys wished that was really so hahaha.

they had let a lot of people in for soundcheck, so there was no meet and greet. we were sent back to the seats to wait til 6:30 to go back on the floor again. let me tell you, philly was the most entertaining of shows. we had a couple sitting in front of us, who suddenly out of no where apparently started fighting (it was hard to tell) and the girl starts crying cuz the guy broke up with her. so then it was like an hour of her crying and asking why he was mad at her, and just really funny shit. the people behind us kept making cracks about their fight etc, which was hilarious. one of them and i both took the girls picture as she cried on our phone hahahaha. and trust me, it wasn’t mean. they were ridiculous. “i hate you so much i want you far far away from me i never want to see you again, i can’t believe you broke up with me at a nine inch nails concert.” haha

so finally we were let back onto the floor. they did it sort of disorganized like but it was ok. ended up…one back, aaron’s side haha. i mentioned after the show that we HAVE to go to jeordie’s side next show cuz i’m getting a stiff neck from looking in the same direction so many times. suffered through dfa1979 and the queens. i don’t know how i managed the first 3 times seeing them without ear plugs. wow i just so dislike them, almost to the point of hate. only 3 more times…

so nin was incredible. being crushed is seriously the only way to see a nin show. being up front and not getting crushed is nice but it really is not the way to experience the show. there’s nothing like it. opening was the same. but we got “something we can never have” again, plus “dead souls” for real which we weren’t expecting (they had done the song at NYC soundcheck but not at the show), and “even deeper”. no reptile, but that’s ok. i got drenched with water that trent threw at aaron. felt good that’s for sure.

1. pinion
2. love is not enough
3. you know what you are?
4. terrible lie
5. the line begins to blur
6. march of the pigs
7. something i can never have
8. the frail
9. the wretched
10. closer
11. burn
12. gave up
13. eraser
14. right where it belongs
15. beside you in time
16. the collector
17. wish
18. only
19. even deeper
20. dead souls
21. suck
22. hurt
23. the hand that feeds
24. head like a hole

there was this drug addict next to me before the show started, seriously he was on acid, who kept leaning on me cuz he couldn’t stand. i shoved him and told him to get the fuck off me, so he called me a bitch. well he got off me. then later i ended up behind this guy who was at barrier and didn’t move or do a damn thing the whole show. so i made it a point to try to hurt him as much as i could during “the hand that feeds” and i think i succeeded cuz he moved his hand to right where i was punching him in the kidney. ha score! my shoulder is way fucked up right now from the very last crowd surfer who came over during “head like a hole”. it hurts reaaaaaally bad, as does the side of my neck. it’s making me feel sick.

so the people of philly continued to be entertaining even as we left, as a car in the parking lot would only let us in front of them if adr2 sang with the song they were blasting…”jack and diane” LOL they let us in anyway.

so yeah. definitely best show so far. off to wilkes-barre now. more tomorrow!

we will never die…beside you in time

hello from bellmawr new jersey. so the last few days…

tuesday left around 1 and headed for dc. it rained the entire way, which was yuck. we just missed being able to go to reptiland in PA, sadly. and there was one stretch of highway, we’re talking about 500 feet, that had the funniest signs and billboards in it. i can’t remember any of them, but believe me, they were funny.

as always, there was construction right where we needed to get off the highway to find our hotel, so we got mixed up and turned around. it’s really normal and no big thing. got the hotel, which had a really scary shower in my room – burned from cigarettes but it looked like someone was killed.

wednesday the day of the show, i got an email from the spiral about ticket pickup – that they were going to open will call early, at 130 due to the large number of spiral members going to the show. so that pretty much told us that we’d never make it into sound check there. so we decided to go around dc for the day, went to the vietnam memorial, then walked to the white house – er, tried to. all the streets around the white house are blocked off blahblahblah, but they wouldn’t let us down a normally open side walk that runs behind the white house but really really far away. couldn’t even look at it, let alone flip it off. we asked why we couldn’t go there, and one of the guards said “cuz he is.” drove to georgetown and found a whole foods for adr2 and bliss to get food. then finally headed to the show.

the show was great. 1 back from barrier, aaron’s side…again. haha. autolux is off the tour now, replaced with death from above 1979, who are from toronto. yeah, didn’t like them. would rather suffer through autolux. and queens of the stone age. forgot how anthony michael hall singer guy makes me ill. but! ear plugs work wonders, and made them tolerable.

nin was great as expected. alex learned some more songs, “you know what you are” and “the collector” were both added. set rearranged a bit, but same basic songs. these reviews are just going to be me repeating “reptile!!!! burn!!!! so great!!!!” hahaha aaron through a keyboard into the audience at the end. like the old days. i want a broken key haha.

1. Pinion
2. Love Is Not Enough
3. You Know What You Are
4. Terrible Lie
5. The Line Begins To Blur
6. March Of the Pigs
7. The Frail
8. The Wretched
9. Closer
10. Burn
11. Gave Up
12. Eraser
13. Right Where It Belongs
14. Beside You In Time
15. The Collector
16. Wish
17. Only
18. Reptile
19. Suck
20. Hurt
21. The Hand That Feeds
22. Head Like A Hole

partook in the absinthe after the show. it is…definitely a strong acquired taste. i could see how the more you drink it the easier it goes down. experimented with the amount of water and sugar til it got tolerable. haha. definitely got drunk off it, high alcohol content, but there was no halucinating or anything. it’ll be interesting to try it again.

thursday was driving to nyc day. again, we decided not to leave super early cuz, come on, it’s nyc. there’d be tons of people in line by the time we got there. so we left around noon and headed up north. checked into the hotel we booked here, changed, then headed to newark to take a train to penn station. we decided us driving in manhattan would not be too smart. newark was bad enough as it was rush hour. took forever to get down the street to penn station. anyway…

the show. i had a seat for this show, cuz my presale was messed up and GA sold out before i got one. so i was by myself. had a good seat, front of a section so no one was in front of me. i actually fell asleep during death from above, i got really tired suddenly haha. and i could sit! someone was snoring behind me during queens. nin show. great show. added “something i can never have” which was great, i didn’t think we’d see it in the arenas. emotional as always. no i didn’t cry. i still haven’t cried to that song live. so 😛 no special guests on stage, but james iha was there. they trashed the stage at the end, aaron destroying the drum kit and his guitar all at once. alessandro started tearing apart his keyboards. i didn’t notice trent destroying anything really, and jeordie was just really funny, cuz everyone else is throwing stuff, and he just gently puts his bass down haha. it was great.

1. pinion
2. love is not enough
3. you know what you are?
4. terrible lie
5. the line begins to blur
6. march of the pigs
7. something i can never have
8. the frail
9. the wretched
10. closer
11. burn
12. gave up
13. eraser
14. right where it belongs
15. beside you in time
16. the collector
17. wish
18. only
19. reptile
20. hurt
21. suck
22. the hand that feeds
23. head like a hole

driving back to the hotel, got lost. haha surprise!!

tomorrow is spending the off day in philly exploring.

good time so far. looking forward to the rest of the trip.

because my life is lame and so totally wrapped up around a band….jerome is leaving nin. for reasons unrelated to his health. from his post it sounds as if it’s possible he never was sick to even begin with. i don’t know. trent’s nin.com posts sounded frustrated and disappointed. makes me uneasy. cuz yes their lives matter to me.

i had a dream about nate last night. it’s fucking with me. sitting in the back of my mind all day, sorta thinking about it all day. just messing me up. in the dream i had gone to get food at mcdonalds. i ordered and he was working there in the grill preparing food. he brought the food to the bin and looked around. he looked at me, sort of paused, looked away. i kept staring at him as he did it 2 more times before finally giving a sheepish wave and nothing else. he was going bald which made me happy.

3 years later and he still sits in my head fucking with me. 3 years and i still don’t know what i’d do if i ran into him somewhere. 3 years and i am still bitter and hateful. i wish i never met him.

and i’m suddenly freaking out about money. i need to move. i have too much crap to move back to a small apartment.

holy fucking shit

from rolling stone:

What will Trent Reznor do when Nine Inch Nails U.S. tour ends on November 20th? “I might play theaters by myself, with the piano and some electronics,” Reznor reveals to the smoking section. “Just try something that’s the antithesis of the shows we’re doing now.” No way! “This arena tour is spectacle, it’s bombast,” he continues. “But as a musician it’s not like an improvisational situation – primarily, we stick to the script. I have a newfound confidence, a combination of being sober, getting older and being a little more comfortable in my own skin, and I wouldn’t mind creating a new environment where the sound is more spontaneous.” Reznor also adds that being lucid 24/7 has fired up his songwriting – he hopes to drop a new NIN album in 2006.

oh my fucking god i’ll be quitting my job to go to every single show. no new couch for me, not buying anything else. christmas gifts are gonna suck, and 40 hour weeks here i come. cuz i’ll need all the money i have for this.

la fee verte

at the tolouse-lautrec show i bought a book about the history of absinthe, which was a huge “fad” in monmarte among the bohemian culture when he was living. really makes me want to try some, but that aside… an exerpt:

absinthe moved further into the mainstream counter-culture with the 1997 video for the track “the perfect drug” (available in a ‘domination mix’ and an ‘absinthe mix’) by dark and doomy S/M oriented US band nine inch nails, in which trent reznor is seen preparing absinthe amid edward gorey-style landscapes, and perhaps regretting having murdered a girl. along with nine inch nails, gothic rocker marilyn manson is also said to buy crates of absinthe from the united kingdom. underground ‘absinthe clubs’ were alledged to be springing up in DJ Levien’s absinthe pulp fiction Wormwood, a fictional state of affairs only possible because absinthe remains illegal in america. its legal status caused speculation when presidential wife hillary clinton was photographed in prague with a glass of absinthe in front of her. did she actually drink any, people wondered, or was it a neat counterpart to her husband’s trick of ‘not inhaling’?

haha i wonder what would happen if you were caught by cops with absinthe. is it like pot? would you get arrested with drug charges? i bet alot of people have never even heard of absinthe.

i return to the only place i’ve ever felt that i belong….

alright, home. how depressing. now where did i leave off?

friday: went and got adr2 at the airport. we were late, the family running around trying to get ready for their own departure from ohare a few hours later. it was ok though, cuz she was lost anyway haha. went to the apartment and then shopping. it was a crummy day, drizzly and grey and cold. we’d either sit in drizzle at the show, or shop in it, so we shopped. went back to uncle fun again – bought more stuff i didn’t see the day before, like a huge pirate flag! hehe. and i got the best, pin ever – so niagara falls – it’s a drawing of a steel barrel with a skull and cross bones on it LOL. i finally got a pair of roos too. navy blue and pink, i like em. back to the apartment to get un-yuckified from the rain, then out in terrible traffic to the arena. didn’t get their til the doors were about to open.

friday’s show: we ended up 1 back from the barrier on aaron’s side again. we were behind 2 bigger guys, who were great for providing padding during the show haha. autolux played first. they were alright. they make alot of noise for just 3 people. it’s sorta art metal i guess. it was ok. then queens of the stone age. completely unenjoyable. the singer looks like anthony michael hall all grown up. he does this elvis type dance thing when playing guitar. it’s strange. and i don’t like them. and i still don’t like them after seeing them 3 times. 6 more times to go…

nin opened behind a sorta mesh sheet, starting with pinion into love is not enough. quite cool. love that their opening with that.

the setlist was the same for all 3 shows, because of the new drummer. his name is Alex something or another, he’s from australia. the chicago show was his first show. we figure as more time goes by, and he learns the other songs, the set will change up. and jerome is supposed to come back next month i guess.

1. Pinion
2. Love Is Not Enough
3. Wish
4. Terrible Lie
5. The
Line Begins to Blur
6. March of the Pigs
7. The Frail
8. The
9. Closer
10. Burn
11. Gave Up
12. Eraser
13. Right
Where It Belongs
14. Beside You In Time
15. Sin
16. Only
18. Suck
19. Hurt
20. The Hand That Feeds
21. Head Like
A Hole

beginning with eraser, the sheet comes down around the stage again, and a projector plays a big montage of nature clips, monkeys, bugs, george w bush, onto the screen. eraser is so cool, very powerful. once eraser is done pummeling you right where it belongs provides a break, much like the la mer/the great below section of the fragile show. besides you in time is going to give me a seizure at some point, but it was cool. they do the end a bit different, and made it a better song imo (not my fav song, probably least fav nin song ever). and then..friggen only!!!!! i just about died. no one even recognized it at first. but holy crap it’s such an awesome song to go nuts to live. screaming the chorus is one of the most cathartic things ever. loved it. so dancy and wonderful.

the sound was kinda weird, but dunno what was wrong. sin, and reptile just sounded not right. they sounded much better the following 2 nights. i thought maybe it was like u2 in boston, up front things just dont sound right in an arena, but up front again in cleveland sounded fine. dunno.

shared a cab with 2 guys back downtown, who were in love with depeche mode. and they gave me 35$ for the cab ride, so we only ended up having to pay 15$ nice!

saturday: adr2 flew back home, and i flew to detroit. waiting at midway i had the most disgusting bagel in the world. i swear it was made out of rubber. barf. this kid came into the C line wearing a nin shirt. so i stared at him until he looked at me, and asked if he went to the show. he hadn’t, but he was going to detroit for that show. ended up sitting with him on the plane, which was cool. we had the nin row haha. no one else sat with us we were so scary and intimidating hahaha. his name was caleb and he was from minneapolis. once in detroit, i got luggage and went to get my rental car. blahblahblah the lady says i have the smallest car they have, cuz i wanted cheap economy car. i go to get the actual vehicle and…it’s some sort of minivan/suv thing. so i go back inside and inline and tell them i think something was wrong cuz it was a minivan. they said it wasn’t a minivan. either way i said, the said SMALLEST CAR AVAILABLE and it was a truck! so they give me the car next to it instead, which was a FORD EXPLORER. what about “smallest car available” did they not understand. it wasn’t that i didn’t WANT the first suv/van thing, it’s that they said small car, and that was not a small car. whatever. so i had an explorer. i dont know how to drive a friggen suv! i managed tho. got a hotel near the airport, then drove around and found a walmart. my belt that had been breaking, did finally break completely, when security made me take it off at the airport. without beating myself up i had THE MOST FIGHT CLUB moment EVER at the hotel. went to open up my suitcase and something was making a noise inside. my electric toothbrush had turned on. hahahahah. took a nap at the hotel, and planned on going up to the venue late so that i didn’t have to see the openers again. ended up getting their before doors opened anyway. super.

saturday’s show: didn’t feel like going up front, so i hung back at the sound board for the whole show. froze my ass off since i wasn’t upfront haha. openers were the same eh as chicago. queens seemed slightly more tolerable, but i think that’s cuz i kept spacing out and forgetting i was even there. nin’s set was the same as chicago, as i said, but the crowd was way way better. everyone was super into it, singing along, trent actually would stop singing so the audience could. he didn’t say a word in chicago, but he talked in detroit. said thanks alot, then after hurt he said something like: i just want to say something. i don’t do this because i don’t like to talk about it. i just kinda got caught up in the song. 4 years ago i never thought i’d be on stage again in front of a great audience, so thank you. he went on to thank the new drummer, and the openers. it was cute :). now enter the stupidest girl ever. as i said, during the middle of the show a video gets projected on the sheet around the stage. and at one point they show george w bush dancing with his wife. everyone usually starts flipping him off. this girl behind me goes, in the whinest voice ever “they’re all flipping off the president, why?” omg. hahaha

after the show, was stuck in the joe louis parking ramp for an hour. and i just want to say joe louis arena is super small for an NHL team like the red wings…i also did the stupidest thing ever. this lady was trying to switch lanes, as if either one was moving, so she was sorta between lanes and kept trying to get in front of me but i wouldn’t let her. i was bigger! finally she beeped the horn so i’d look at her, asked if she could get in front of me, and i said no. then i remembered I’M IN DETROIT SHE COULD SHOOT ME!

left detroit early sunday to drive to cleveland, which did not take me 3 hours. if you think buffalo radio is bad, try finding a station between detroit and cleveland. barf. gave the car back, and waited for adr2 and bliss to come pick me up. once they did, we had nothing really to do. it was blah and cold again, so we weren’t going to sit in line. went to the arena to see if we could pick up our tickets yet (couldn’t) and ran into none other than caleb from the airplane. he had remembered that i said i was driving down to cleveland, and so he rented a car and did the same hahah. went into the building with him to find the box office so he could get a ticket, and nin was sound checking love is not enough. pretty cool.

sunday’s show: drove around cleveland to waste time, went to a starbucks, then finally back to the arena around 6. there were 2 cool girls behind us in line that we talked to. after reno, this city had the coolest people in line haha. we had gone at doors open so bliss could see autolux. bliss decided we could go up front, so we did, 2nd back from barrier on aaron’s side….again. haha openers, the same. the show was great again. aside from the girl humping me at the beginning of the show, and the one time i got slammed into bliss, we didn’t get touched at all. no pushing, no being smooshed up against everyone. you could breathe and move and dance around and whatever. it was great, and a great break in show for bliss. same set list, except during right beside you in time the movie projection stopped. once the song finished, trent asked if the fuckers in back fixed the projector or if they were just going to move on with the set. and they did, skipping beside you in time. he told them he was going to kick their asses hahaha. reptile in cleveland was incredible. when it started, it just slamed into you, like woah. it was fantastic. and i am officially going to hell. sometime during autolux a little boy, around age 12 i’d say, and mom and a guy appeared up front to our right. well during queens he decided to try to get in front of me. he was doing it all stealth, as if i wouldn’t notice this little munchkin suddenly in front of me. so i look down and ask “where you going buddy”, he just looks up at me all angelic and smiling and i shake my head at him. so he stops, stands there, then later tells his people that i won’t let him by. he goes away, and ends up at barrier to the right of us. ok fine. if people want to give into a child, whatever, that’s their problem. but then, he tries it again. HE WAS AT BARRIER?!? WTF. this time he actually asked me if he could get in front of me, and i flat out said no. i’m mean to children.

great show. after, ran into caleb again and talked for a bit, then out to the car where we ran into the 2 girls behind us in line and talked to them to see how they liked the show. finally headed out back to buffalo. stopped at a gas station store, and 5 other cars of nin fans ended up coming in too hahah.

aside: 1. when did hurt become a make out song? in detroit there were like 4 couples around me who were all huggy and yuck during hurt. hello! have you LISTENED to the song? “i will let you down, i will make you hurt”, not really a good relationship song. 2. fangirl moment, the “trent bounce” is so friggen hot.

awesome awesome trip. so depressed now haha. few more weeks and we’ll do it again. bliss said she’s addicted now, and that we can go to boston. so gotta look into getting boston tickets. also need to find out when depeche mode is playing toronto and hope for no conflicts (dec 1st, a thursday, so going!). i so don’t want to be home, though i did enjoy my bed. not looking forward to unpacking, laundry, etc. gotta go get kitty from the parents.

good news bad news

good news. i go on vacation in 6 days. chicago for 3 days, detroit in secret for 1 day, and cleveland for 1 day. nine inch nails shows of course. i convinced adr2 to go to chicago with me, but detroit will be by myself, then meeting adr2 and bliss for the show and a ride home in cleveland.

bad news. jerome dillon, nin drummer, is in the hospital again with his newly discovered heart condition. they cancelled the oakland show, but trent said they are getting a replacement drummer. however if the shows next week get cancelled… i guess i still will go to chicago and detroit cuz i don’t want to waste the money i spent on the flights. but i have no way of getting home…i have one way flights. adr2 said she’d still go to cleveland to get me, but i may be able to change my rental car info and be able to drive it back to buffalo. wait and see i guess. i hope the shows aren’t cancelled because i’d have to just get refunds for the tickets. won’t be able to get the time off to go to the rescheduled dates i’m sure.

i need to take kitty to the vet soon. they sent me a cute little post card. so among the dentist appt, and 2 doctor appts, i will have to make a kitty appt.

saw the corpse bride tonight with kate, adr2 and bliss. it was cute.

Adr2’s NIN Philly post

Since I lost a big chunk of archives from the spring of 2005, I am posting Adrienne2’s live journal posts about the Philly NIN club shows. I am really really sad that my posts are missing because they were truly hilarious. Also missing, our trip to Reno, which she didn’t post about. Gone forever, boooo.


nine inch nails in philadelphia….. FANTASTIC!!! holy crap so worth it.

jerome kissed brian (from dresden dolls) last night and it was so fucking hot. (sara: “Am I gonna need to hose you off?” lol)

eastern state penn. gorgeous. enough said.

i hate philly. a lot. but i have to go back to see the mummers museum b/c it will just be fantastic. then i will never have to go back to that hell again (until the next leg of the tour). hehe

there are exactly 2 fucking hotels in philly b/c the place sucks. we had to drive around forever after the show on wednesday before we found any hotels which, of course, since there are only like 2 in philly, all of them were sold out. took a fucking year to find a place to sleep for the night.

oh, last thing (b/c i am so not going to do the whole obsessed fan show thing b/c i don’t want to type that much hehehe. although sara and i will be touring in the fall with the band. where ever they go we will follow. hehe) oh yeah, so one last thing….

“ggrrrrr…… FUCKING BROKE”
::throws mike stand::
::jerome ducks w/o missing a beat::

trent must have really not liked star wars. lol

fucking amazing!!