2015 In Review

Since I want to start blogging more again, I should start with something I used to always do, a Year in Review.

Only problem is, I barely remember last week let alone the entire last year. I have no idea what I did last January other than spend it teaching roulette at work. The winter was brutally cold and snowy. February…still teaching roulette. Still cold and snowy…The entire spring I spent teaching either roulette or blackjack, and it was cold and snowy forever.

Classes ended in May, and J and I vacationed to Seneca Lake at the end of May. We did the Skyride bicycle ride over the Skyway in Buffalo, which was really cool. But the rest of the summer? I have no idea. We kayaked a few times, took a Buffalo River boat trip with co workers, but J and I were the only ones who dressed as pirates (oh wait no, Melissa did too). Saw U2 with Mary in Toronto, and The Tea Party with the old school crew minus Danielle a week later.

In the fall we vacationed to Arizona for a week to go to Taco Fest and see a Titan Missile Silo, which was aaawweeesoooomme.

And here we are at winter again, and I’m teaching blackjack again. It wasn’t cold until last week, and it was the latest snowfall ever. And here I am talking about weather, because face it, adult life is boring. Work, sleep, repeat. Or you have kids and then it’s work, sleep, soccer practice, repeat.


In other news, I’ve run out of hosting space. I had 10 gigs, used it all, asked for more so they gave me another gig. Not good though, because I don’t feel this site is complete yet, I wanted to add more photos but if I do, I’ll use up that space and if I ever go exploring again (no one likes me, and no one invites me to go with them, despite my practical begging boo hoo) I’ll have no room to update Institutional Green or Sara Etten Photography. I can’t go with a new company with more space because I just finally got my 4 sites working. Ugh. The problems of living your life digitally.

2009 in review

2009 in review….

i don’t remember much…

a plane crashed in clarence.

i went to my last nine inch nails show.

then i went to my last nine inch nails show again.

and then i went to my last nine inch nails show again FOR REAL.

went on vacations to pittsburgh and west virginia, and chicago.

i had a successful veggie garden.

got to see u2 again with cassie.

michael jackson died.

russell died.

mike died.

got back in touch with many many old friends from the MJ days.

and i can’t remember much else haha.

*edits from my friends*
lee: you dreamed about a taco truck and a fat guy surfing on lake erie.
mike: you dreamed about me and mike meredith and played blackjack with the sabres

which reminds me: nkotb.

cassie: a duck stole your muffin

happy new year

happy new year.

i don’t feel like doing a year in review post, because i don’t remember much from 2007. the most important thing, i will mention, is that i finally met trent reznor. as i said at that time, the highlight of my year. ha. seriously, thinking month to month, i don’t really remember much of anything. definitely nothing important enough to “review”.

i made cinnamon nutmeg ice cream and it’s fabulous. it was better the day i made it than today, having sat in the freezer it seems to have dried out a bit (if that’s possible), but it’s still good. it’s a philadelphia vanilla base from a recipe (not sure what makes it philly style), and i added the 3 tsp cinnamon, 2 tsp nutmeg. very easy. i’ll never have to buy ice cream again ha.

current forecast for the ice bowl on tuesday….winter storm watch LOL 10 inches of snow. seriously.


2006 in review

first sentence from first entry of every month…the year in review

january – happy new year. goodbye 2005 and good riddance. with the exception of anything reznor related you sucked. – i don’t really remember january

february – i think i had a night terror last night – nin shows in toledo (bitchin) and cinci. seeing tour friends again.

march – got my ticket for ottawa on friday – more nin shows…cancelled ottawa, london, erie and the one and only amazing rochester experience.

april – in vegas. the flight was uneventful except for the fact that it turns out a few people from work were on the same one therefore i was forced to sorta socialize with them. – vegas! nin cabazon spiral show and vegas show. moved. hockey!

may – Johnny Depp is being lined up to play Michael Hutchence in a movie biopic about the INXS star, it has been claimed. – hockey! finally exploring again.

june – u2 totally sold out with all these world cup commercials – what do you know, more nin shows – saratoga, toronto, cleveland, columbus on my birthday and pittsburg.

july – a tornado, traffic, 2 semi’s harassing us all the way down 79, bad venue directions again, 5 hours later and a half an hour to park, adr and i got to the venue outside of pittsburgh right as bauhaus was about to go on. – end of the tour. gall bladder acting up again.

august – i need something to sew so i have an excuse to buy the cute halloween fabrics at walmart. – visitors and exploring.

september – after my surgery screening today i met jerry out at “rearden”. – gall bladder surgery. more visitors.

october – yay welcome to october my fav month. – snow storm.

november – well i deleted my icenine inbox again…great. – europe planning! transfig.

december – the weather is total shit out – hockey and xmas parties and all that.

aside from more nin shows 2006 was pretty uneventful and boring. drama free lets say. thanks for that. i don’t remember much of note beyond the shows. hoping for more drama freeness in 2007

year in review 2005

happy new year. goodbye 2005 and good riddance. with the exception of anything reznor related you sucked.

so let’s do this thing. 2005 in review:

january – “it didn’t turn out as horrible as it started.” (regarding work) – i don’t really remember much of the first few months of the year beyond losing all my friends and being upset all the time.

february – “Jenn has run into some complications and is not going to be able to carry the baby full term.” – same as january. i had my gallery show, opened feb 12th.

march – “spent the morning in the er.” – ah yes my trip to the er for my ulcer that i didn’t know i have. and 3 words – trent fucking reznor. went to reno and invited basically, a complete stranger, to come with me. and it worked out way better than i could have ever imagined.

april – “i think i just sorta had a date…” – started dating tommy

may – “i wish i had some sort of talent or skill that i could market and work for myself, while able to live as comfortably as i do now, so that i could completely embrace the counter culture.” – the new nin record, with teeth, was released. and the 2 best concerts of my entire life – the nin club shows in toronto. followed by the spur of the moment trip with adr2 to philly for 2 more club shows.

june – “since everyone else went to toronto this weekend, i will go by myself tomorrow.”

july – “What is the point of itunes, when you PAY to download music, but then CAN’T BURN IT?”

august – “i hate my life” – met josh, dan, and dagr at the terminal. at least i think that was august haha.

september – “i’ve been watching cnn all day, and most of the 5 hours that i did nothing at work yesterday.” katrina. and my addiction to cnn. a fun and successful event at the terminal – oktoberfest. and oh, u2 shows.

october – “a bunch of fans of the show Fear on mtv put together a 7 dvd set of all episodes and bonus stuff.” 3 more nin shows, trip to chicago.

november – “had my 2 fillings, face was numb until i went to work” – the major nin road trip, 7 cities, 10 days. most excellent time.

december – “put my xmas trees up today.” – whirl wind trip to cali.

the year is more a less a blur of pain, hurt and upsetness, with isolated moments of pure happiness.

and for resolutions? of course i could say i am going to fix myself, and get better, and do something with my life and time. but i wish it was that easy. and if i made that resolution, who would i really be fooling?

here’s hoping for a much better 2006.