from a boston show review: Midway through scary, serpentine ”March of the Pigs” he threw his arms open and sang the song’s melodious coda, ”doesn’t it make you feel better?” with a huge grin on his face. The answer is yes, which accounts for the packed (both Boston concerts sold out) and surprisingly diverse audience that achieved a state of near-spiritual release during the show.

or as adr2 put it in her lj, i never felt so alive…

that is why we’re going to philly next week.

downloaded a boot of the 2nd toronto show. the 1st was recorded but not out yet….need it. neeeed it. i preferred the 1st set list, it’s nice to hear all the new stuff…

HA! i got this email today:

Hello, I believe I found a book of yours. I was at the NIN show the other day (I can only assume you were too) and I happen to walk through the parking lot after everything and everyone had cleared out. I found a photo book and some scattered pictures with this email address on them. I’m not sure why the book was left there (on purpose or accidentally?) but if you would like it back i’d be happy to return it to you. It appears to have been run over by something while in the parking lot, but it and it’s contents are still in great shape.

Anyway, if you email me back we can arrange to have the book returned.

LOL that is so fabulous. I figured the security guard would have chucked it after i made such a big noise with it. And the fact that it’s been runover makes my day!

working on going to philly. probably not both shows but…we’ll see haha

went to see tommy at his new place. he has no furniture, and we did nothing, but it was really nice

and i’m totally going to take pictures of my bruises.


haha one more thing i forgot to mention about tuesday….

in line we entertained ourselves by being big giant dorks and making sentences out of NIN song titles LOL. it was really entertaining. adr2 wrote one on the sidewalk with my sharpie cuz she thought it was funny (and turns out, very appropriate in explaining the experience of being in the crowd) “i gave up it was just too physical” LOL. *dorks*

and i really really need to go back to school to be an archivist…i got a bunch of slides of the terminal from my dad’s friend, taken around the same time as my dad took his. and it’s just so exciting to go through them while i’m scanning them and see the ones from the 70s. but not only did he have ones from the 70s he got reproductions of all the historical ones of the building that the Historical Society has in their library! woo we dont have to pay for them now hehehe but yeah. i could do this all day long. i’m in the wrong career.


(And because I’ve lost a chunk of archives from this part of 2005, I’m going to add in Adrienne2’s live journal posts about these shows too)

nin in Toronto was fucking amazing. Abridged version…….Went up with sara in separate cars b/c she had a ticket to the first show and I didn’t. I got a ticket at a discounted rate b/c the scalper wanted to grope me (very amusing until later that night when I got home and started to think about it and got pissed off). The show was amazing!!!!! I ended up in the pit and totally had a blast beating the crap out of everyone and everyone beating the crap out of me. Hehehe as I was in the pit, trent threw his tambourine and it fucking hit me in the head and started to slide down my back and some crazy guy ripped it out of my hair, taking some of my hair with it. Sara fucking touched trent…. Lucky bastard 😉 went home sore and somewhat bruised but happy… of course.

The second show, got our tix, waited in line with much cooler people, though not anywhere near as cool as reno. Saw trent get off the bus right behind us (HOT!!!!). ended up closer to the barrier and got beat the fuck up. I ended up in fisticuffs. It cracks me up that the pit was gentler than just standing slightly to the side of trent near the barrier. We ended up totally spent and ended up crashing to the floor when the show ended (and the floor was fucking sick). SOOOOOOO much more to say, but… ouch. My damages are as follows::

Bruised palms (from pushing on the barrier as to not get crushed. This is fun; I can’t hold anything with my whole hands, only my fingers)
Giant lumpy bruise on arm
Various bruises on upper arms, lower arms, top of hand (wtf??) and on my shoulders and upper back
Bruised heels (again wtf???)
Cuts and brusies on my knees from the barrier. although they are in a pretty pattern. lol
Sore ribs (although not as bad as sara’s I’m sure)
I absolutely cannot raise my arms (fighting is fun people. Hehe)
I cannot turn my head due to crowd surfer landing on my head and cracking my neck a little bit
And the biggie….. I have a fucking bruised kidney!!!! I am so glad I punched the guy who kept hitting me in my kidney. Let me tell you, peeing blood the morning after a show like that is a nightmare. I thought was going to die. My back fucking kills but I looooove pain killers.

The best thing is I cannot wait to do this again!!!!! Hehehe I have never felt so alive. Lol hey, I know… lets start a fight club!

hopefully going to philly to see them again next week. Although, I probably won’t be able to go in front due to said kidney and all, but what a way to go huh? Lol

Need to go get check now so I can pay sara and various bills. Only that actually involves moving. ::groans:: 😉


I gave up, it was just too physical.
I had to go deep into the downward spiral
to the great below,
which is right where you belong.

NIN Toronto Club 2

what have i become
my sweetest friend
everyone i know
goes away in the end

tonight’s show… gah. did i mention we got our tickets on ebay? yeah, we did. and it was totally cool, we got them in person and they were from a kid who was selling them so his girlfriend could afford to go to a bunch of pearl jam concerts. haha. it was cool that they weren’t from a bloody scalper.

we got up to toronto around 1:30/2 this time. after yesterday we decided to go up earlier to get at barrier from the beginning (were one back, good enough). waited in line today with much cooler people than yesterday, but not as cool as reno. we really lucked out in reno with the linemates i think. anyway….so we waited much much longer this time to get in. trent and bandmates got picked up and brought to the venue so we got to see them get off the bus (which didn’t happen yesterday). and i don’t care that it was a whole 3 seconds, trent was totally hot lol.

so yeah…we were one back from the barrier in front of trent/aaron, same area as yesterday. oh…dresden dolls…jerome came out to drum for them for a radiohead cover…which was really funny cuz i had absolutely no idea what song they were playing, though everyone else seemed to. so after we asked the kid behind us (who was singing the entire thing) who it was by, and when he said radiohead we both went “That’s why we don’t know it”…someone on adr2’s other side was all bitchy “how do you NOT know radiohead” maybe cuz they bore me….

so the show. yesterday’s show was the “with teeth” show, they did 5 new songs. tonight’s show was “the fragile” show, they did 6 fragile songs….set list was something like this in no particular order…. the frail, the wretched, you know what you are, march of the pigs, piggy, reptile (AGAIN YES!), closer, hurt, even deeper, big come down, starfuckers, the day the world went away, the hand that feeds, head like a hole, terrible lie, and i think the line begins to blur but i’m not entirely sure. pretty sure but not quite, will have to check a setlist (setlist and comments from

Beside You In Time (instrumental intro)
The Frail
The Wretched
You Know What You Are?
(Trent: “Look at all the fucking pigs!”) March of the Pigs
The Line Begins To Blur
Piggy (stage dive)
Terrible Lie
The Big Come Down
Gave Up
The Day the World Went Away
Even Deeper
(Trent: “okay, enough FUCKIN’ AROUND!”) Wish
The Hand That Feeds
Starfuckers, Inc. (Trent forgot to sing “all our pain” so the middle was twice as long as normal)
Head Like A Hole
the show was fucking great of course. i think yesterday was better though. (and not just cuz i had a horseshoe up my ass and got lucky enough to hold onto trent for a while and get a guitar pick hahah). trent stage dived (dove?) which was like…what the fuck just happened LOL. we had to fight the crowd a whole lot more. i tried to protect the girl in front of me because she was scared out of her mind before the show even started (she managed to stay the whole time which was surprising cuz we were betting 3 songs haha, her friend left half way, and i got barrier again). mainly because she was good to be used as a cushion to not get any more injured. that didn’t really work once i got to barrier. definitely super injured now. can hardly breath it hurts so bad but it got to a point where you really didn’t feel it anymore. i got a wicked whack to the head during head like a hole from a crowdsurfer that the security guy didn’t see. adr2 punched some people. totally glad i wore pants today instead of a skirt again because in trying to protect my poor probably broken ribs, i kept trying to brace myself to push back with my legs and they are totally chewed up even through my pants, from the grating of the barrier.

changed into the 2nd set of clothing in the car then hung around in the parking lot for a while. i found that i had my show reject 8×10 photos in my trunk so i decided to write all my info on the back and go back across the street to throw them at the tour busses. so i did. LOL. i figure someone, anyone, will see them and they can throw them out i don’t care. then later i decided what did i have to lose to take the book i put together and throw it at the busses. so i went back across the street and making sure the security guard had his back to me i threw it between 2 of the busses. except i fucking hit the side of the one bus. that was a nice loud noise so i turned and fucking took off back across the street. LOL i was like, we have to leave now cuz i just hit the bus with the stupid book LOL. so…someone has my book now. hope they enjoy it lol.

drove home alot slower than yesterday, that whole cliched “i dont want the shows to end” bullshit…in my head at least haha. forgot to mention how much i love driving on the QEW where i was going 90 and got passed. brought my car over 100 for the first time. i’m pretty sure my car wasn’t made to go that fast. made 80 sound quiet, and 70 feel like a stand still hahah.

and now i have to wait until the fall??? i’m not sure that’s gonna happen LOL. philly on next wed/thurs….*goes to ebay* i should be mostly healed by next wednesday.

random memory #1: we had the same border guard going into canada today as we had yesterday. it was sort of a wayne’s world moment “nine inch nails? yes. again? yes.” hahahah. did not have the cool old guy who let us back into the states last night – had an asshole who made us show him our ticket stubs (which is a story in itself…didn’t bring my bag into the show, stuck everything into my socks in my big boots, didnt realize i didn’t have my stub until we got to lewiston and were waiting to move up to the custom booth. adr2 said it was probably stuck to my leg, hers had been. and it was….stuck enough that running back and forth across the street from the car to the busses twice, the entire car ride, and going to the bathrooms at the lewiston bridge it had still not fallen off my leg LOL).


injury report…

i should take pictures haha

one massive ugly painful bruise on left arm
one massive ugly painful bruise on left elbow
a few light bruises on lower right arm and wrist
giant thumbprint looking painful bruise on upper right arm
no visible bruises to the ribs just INTENSE PAIN
both hipbones very bruised, they took the brunt of the abuse last night. it hurts to wear clothes. wearing a belt is out of the question
left knee is just one giant bruise
right knee cut and bruised in various places

i really look beat up. no black eye though.


trying to get tickets for either or both of the NIN shows in philly next week. we’re addicted. i know. no need to tell me. no intervention necessary. we’ll be fine. this is the reason i have a job.

NIN Toronto Club 1

please allow me a moment

I TOUCHED HIM. I FUCKING TOUCHED HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



oh my lord. i dont even know what to say. this was the best show i have ever seen, and i think i’ve seen a fair amount of shows. and it made reno seem like a nap. holy crap. how to even start.

adr2 had to scalp a ticket. we got in around 4 and the going price was 300+ so we kept waiting. some guy showed up to sell tickets to the “main scalper asshole” so she ran over to him with this other kid and bought the tickets from this guy instead of “main scalper asshole” (more on him later) turns out she got a “discount” (term used loosely), cuz the guy wanted to feel her boobs. she said no but he gave her the discount anyway cuz she “had such great tits.” LOL the other kid had to pay 75$ more. so yay. we both had tickets…or we thought so.

doors opened at 8. we were in a fairly good position in line, along the side of the building. cool. until we get in and my ticket doesnt pass the bar code inspection. wtf. its a real friggen ticket i actually got it during the sale. the guy who checks fake tickets looks at it, sees that it looks real. then realizes it says May 10th on it. TICKETMASTER FUCKING PRINTED MY TICKET WRONG. cuz i have the confirmation email as proof that i purchased a ticket for the show on the 9th. FUCK ME. so i had them take me back outside, so i could find a ticket for tonight. ended up trading in the ticket for the 10th plus cash to “main scalper asshole” who was a total dickhead. had to reenter the line at the back, which was all the way down the opposite side of the building. fuck me.

got in. adr2 sent me messages about where she was so i made the attempt to move up in the crowd towards where she’d be. got stuck about 8 back from the barrier on aaron’s side again. the guy next to me stunk something awful. dresden dolls came on so i just stayed there for their set. and they weren’t bad. it was completely not the disaster i was expecting so that was nice. as soon as they were done everyone started the push. i ended up 2 back from adr2. not bad.

the show started. holy cow. i’d say it’s the roughest show i’ve ever been to except for the fact that it was only rough in the sense of being completely smooshed…i wasn’t in the pit so i wasn’t getting hit. it was just one of those shows where your feet may not be on the ground at all times, but you can’t possibly fall cuz everyone else is holding you up. which was nice. cuz i definitely wasn’t on both feet alot of the time. during “head like a hole” i was not only on either of my feet, but i was at a 45 degree angle and being completely supported by the poor little girl next to me. the kid on my other side was like, we really need to stand up straight again LOL he managed to push some people and we both were able to stand back up haha. in the beginning i ended up on top of adr more or less. held on to her for a while. kept moving back and forth and ended up next to her at one point. she ended up attempting to leave the crowd but ended up in the pit and stayed there hahaha. i ended up getting pushed around more. some real short kid got in front of me when someone was pulled out by security. he had a camera and was trying to take a picture so i told him to let me do it. he thought i was the coolest, and a bit later he gave me his spot closer to barrier. another kid got pulled out and i ended up at barrier. rock on!

i really wasn’t injured until i got to barrier. it made me really really appreciate water street’s padded barrier. haha. but it was totally worth it. as i said I FUCKING TOUCHED HIM. i can’t remember for the life of me what song he was playing when he came down from the stage, but he was right there, and i got to touch him and omg i can die happy. lol. *teenie bopper moment*. the kid i ended up next to at barrier kept talking to me. he made sure i was able to grope trent, and he was like “well that was worth it” when the kid got pulled out and i ended up next to him lol. he also fucking wacked me with his head right above my eye, i thought i had a black eye but i don’t. he made sure i was ok after a crowd surfer sat on my fucking neck and security couldn’t get him off me. that’s when i mostly got injured, cuz i was bent over the barrier and the kid was sitting on me. ouchy. but yeah, i’m so totally injured LOL. can’t wait to see all the bruises in full effect when i wake up. i’m gonna need lots of painkillers tomorrow.

so…what was played. i have no idea. except SOMETHING I CAN NEVER HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was holding on to adr2 at this point, and when i heard the first 2 notes i just went “oh my fucking god” in her ear LOL. and omg is right. it was so incredible. i almost cried, it’s something i can never have for gods sake, but also because everyone in the crowd is singing it and wow…just amazing. and reptile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! still best song live ever. and burn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what else…. opened with “you know what you are”…other than that, in no particular order, this is what i remember….march of the pigs, closer, hurt, with teeth, everyday is exactly the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!, something i can never have, burn, reptile, home, head like a hole, the hand that feeds, the line begins to blur, terrible lie, sin, suck, wish, gave up, no you don’t (hey that might have been the song he came off stage…it’s whatever song was before hurt…)….wow i think that was the only song off fragile…i can’t remember anymore. that might have been it…

*Edit* setlist
You Know What You Are?
The Line Begins To Blur
March of the Pigs
Something I Can Never Have
The Hand That Feeds
Terrible Lie
Closer (w/The Only Time)
With Teeth
Every Day Is Exactly the Same
No, You Don’t (blew the goddamn roof off!)
Gave Up
Head Like A Hole

though i’m not sure i remember sin being so early in the set. but i was too overwhelmed so who knows haha.

i have never sweat so much in my entire life. i might have lost enough water weight to be under 100 lbs right now LOL. completely soaking wet. at one point i wasn’t sure if i was still fully clothed. i lost my jacket pretty much immediately, found it at the end of the show. i thought at one point this guy was making a slow attempt to feel me up. had his hands in weird areas – everyone was holding on to everyone elses shoulders, but not him. and then he stopped. i told adr2 later and she said he totally was trying, she saw him and hit him LOL. at the end of the show, before the lights even came on, some guy walked by me at the barrier still and put a guitar pick in my hand. no one else even saw him do it. go me!! no one was moving so it took awhile to disentangle myself from the barrier to finally get some water and find adr2. called lei and screamed I FUCKING TOUCHED HIM as soon as she answered LOL. oh yeah…ran into rob sheridan and i talked to him. complimented his album art, and i did for real tell him that i hoped he thanks god every day for having the coolest job in the world LOL. he said yeah, it’s sorta hectic at times having to do everything, but then he smiled and was like, but it’s cool. oh yeah, he took a picture of all of us up front in my area after the show. i only sorta hope to see it at some point. i’m sure i look frightening. hah

best border crossing ever: on the way back in to the US “citizenship? nine inch nails? go on.” LOL the lady on the way in was like “nine inch nails?” as soon as i said i was going to a concert haha. guess there were alot of us.

holy crap. can’t get over how amazing this show was.

random cool thing #1. it was really cool to hear so many people during and after the show saying that it was totally worth the $xxx that they paid to scalp a ticket.

random cool thing #2. and it was really really awesome to be in a place completely filled with fans. not that reno wasn’t but it was very different. with so few tickets you know that there weren’t some random assholes who only like “closer” taking up space. and with the album being out for a week, you know everyone there spent the last 6 days listening to it. so everyone knew the new songs, and could sing along, and it was just so fantastic.

random funny thing. adr2 got hit in the head with trent’s tambourine when he threw it into the crowd during “with teeth” HAHAHA

and trent had a white shirt on at the beginning LOL it was so strange. later stripped to a black tank top. he got so built since last tour.

AAANNNDDDDD we scored tickets for tomorrow (well apparently i already had one :P). found a decent deal for 2 tickets on ebay, talked to the guy on the phone, meeting him at the venue tomorrow afternoon to get them.

so injured. so tired. so can’t wait for tomorrow! totally bringing a whole different set of clothes to change into afterwards. a shower has never felt so good my entire life.

best. show. ever


oh…and clock unveiling tomorrow morning LOL going back up to toronto right afterwards. going earlier this time so we can get barrier right away.

i’m sure i’ll edit this if i remember more stuff.

my 347th listen of “with teeth” review…

1. all the love in the world – definitely has grown on me. love it. the end is rockin.

2. you know what you are – i might have wrecked my car speakers with this song.

3. the collector – has grown on me too. but still not a fav.

4. the hand that feeds – still love it

5. love is not enough – still love it

6. every day is exactly the same – this is the song i would say sums up last november through april….and somewhat, even right now…
Sometimes I think I’m happy here
Sometimes I still pretend
I can’t remember how this all got started
But I can tell you – exactly – how it will end
I wish this could have been any other way
I just don’t know what else I can do

i still think it’s depeche mode-y, i think it’s the drums. it struck me as being sorta orgy like too, but not alot. this song is more “the new ‘hurt’ ” than “right where it belongs” is like every other fan is saying…love it. favourite “ballad” of the album…

7. with teeth – still friggen love

8. only – still way fun and totally rockin. a guy at wegmans caught me singing the chorus to myself haha oops…

9. getting smaller – has grown on me, but again, not a favourite

10. sunspots – something about the very very beginning of the song bothers me, but it builds a whole lot, and i caught myself rocking to it without even realizing it. so i decided i really really like it haha

11. the line begins to blur – still love it.

12. beside you in time – least favourite. quite probably my least fav nin song ever. it just really irritates me

13. right where it belongs – everyone is calling this “the new hurt” and i can’t possibly disagree more. i like it. but it is no where near on the level emotionally that “hurt” is…i don’t get how everyone sees that.

when i eventually get the dual-disc in the mail, i can see the 5.1 surround mix totally kicking ass *still hasnt listened to the downward 5.1 mix…/badfan*

i was on pai gow tonight, had a conversation with 2 guys about music, who actually liked the same crap i do. it was cool. they asked me what i thought of “with teeth” so i got to talk about trent so it’s all good. got out early but not early enough. boo.

forgot to mention last night….tried to stealthily take pictures of a classic canadian mullet with lei’s camera phone but they totally noticed haha. there was something else i was going to mention too but i forget….

trent in 16 hours.

this is my 1000th entry. i should make it wonderful, but it’s only wonderful to me, lei and kate (and maybe adr ha)

September 12: Toronto, Air Canada Centre
September 14: Toronto, Air Canada Centre
December 9: Buffalo, HSBC Arena
December 10: Cleveland, Gund Arena

with a few other possibilities, like detroit or chicago or dc…all the onsale dates just better not be the same…

and nin has an “extensive north american tour” planned…better not be date conflicts, that’s all i know. i honestly won’t know what to do hahah

“i’m quite proud of my work actually. there are many things that i would do differently now, but i could say the same about life. all the work i’ve put out was very true and honest to the person i was at that time – that’s all i’ve ever tried to do.” – trent reznor
i’m not even going to begin to get into what that quote makes me feel. it’s quite undescribable, and a bit weird since it’s quite unremarkable as far as trent quotes go…but yeah. wow.


my new resume:

i was fired from seneca niagara casino for taking too many days off so i could go see nine inch nails….

5/9: Toronto, ONT (Koolhaus)
5/10: Toronto, ONT (Koolhaus)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m pretty sure i’ve been to koolhaus, and it’s damn small!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i want to talk about my skills for a moment – and yes, even tho it didn’t seem like napoleon dynamite made a huge impression on me, it apparently has, and it’s taken over my life…

i want to remind everyone of this site:

for those who didn’t know me in 2002, trent reznor and his little known band nine inch nails released a live album, which in special edition, came with an ep of 4 reworked acoustic tracks, 4 new instrumentals, and 1 new song. it was called “still” and is perhaps one of the greatest recorded works of all time. not kidding here. i produced my record of 30something posts in one 24 hour period the day i got the album.

i don’t promise that i won’t do the same on may 3rd when the new album comes out. i may leave my blog up for the sole purpose of talking about trent reznor every day for the next 8 months. deal with it.

here’s where the skills come in. the above site houses 3 video clips, “the becoming”, “something i can never have” and “gone, still” – all acoustic, which means, trent playing piano, which means my ultimate trent fantasy. i highly suggest watching them for anyone who doubts that trent has any talent, that he just does everything on a computer (and a mac, at that), and for anyone who thinks nine inch nails is some screaming hardcore band (MY DAD even thought the “still” cd was good). the site is done in flash and i somehow managed to hack into it and steal the videos. GO ME. i didn’t realize the site was still up and running, so when i saw it, i was reminded of my computer hacking skills hahahahahahahah. i’m not sure i could do it again.

and in completely unrelated news (seriously) i’m considering spending 3 months (or until i run out of money) in europe. it has nothing to do with the fact that both u2 AND nin are playing in europe this summer. seriously. it doesn’t. that would be just a nice bonus to hit up a few shows along the way. trying to figure out feasability of it all…not sure what to do.

u2 tour announcement, and…they’re coming no where near here….closest is boston and nyc….presale starts tomorrow so we gotta make a decision. my vote is for boston cuz we have someplace we could stay.

and may 3rd new nine inch nails record! may 3rd may 3rd may 3rd may 3rd.

now the question is…do i want to take my vacation the last week of march and go to London to see nine inch nails play 2 club dates? *off to yahoo travel*

*edit* yes, yes i do. and i will. it will all depend if i can get tickets during the presale tomorrow. if i do, there is a 600$ flight from toronto to gatwick. it is the only nonstop flight anymore…which makes NO sense to me since toronto used to be a great airport to fly out of….anyway. it’s either 600$ non stop, or 1200$ with a connection….gee…that makes it difficult to choose. not worrying about logistics of this trip until i have the show tickets – like hotel and stuff. if i think about this too much i’ll decide not to go, and i’ll kick myself. so i’m going to be like sarah medley my old suitemate who just went to new zealand for no particular reason except just to go. i will need to find my/get a new passport.

i can do this. i went to england by myself when i was SEVENTEEN! i can go there by myself when i’m 24. i can. i really can. sucks that i have no friends there anymore tho…damn hotels. i’m too afraid to stay in a hostel. hmmm maybe i can find someone who’d go with me…


not happening. apparently i had to take the time difference into account for the start of the presale. which i didn’t. go me.