this was my night. got to work at 7, on roulette. no problem. it’s deader than dead in the casino. ok, no problem. i considered signing the list to go home early, but i didn’t. i’d stick it out, and put in my 8 hours, and be fine. after spending 5 hours on a dead game, i asked jason to put me on the list. he says i’m #40 to go home. plus i was a 7pm start, so i get to go home before 8pm starts even tho i’m further down the list. more standing at a dead game. i get some players around midnight. the other tables around me, with 8pm dealers, close…but i’m still not getting sent home early. i see 8pm dealers going home, but i’m still on my game. jason leaves and goes home. by this point i’m really fucking frustrated. brendan had been upstairs, and had already gotten out, but i was still on my game. 2am rolls around, and i’m still on my game, and only 2 roulette tables are still open. all the 7pm dealers are gone, plus half the 8pm roulette dealers. but i’m still on my game. the replacement pit boss asks me who my relief was, and i said it was JC but that i was a 7pm start AND on the list to get out. he freaks, because i’m a 7pm start and still on my game, and the 8pm roulette dealers had already left too. ok by this point i’m on the verge of tears on my game. seriously. i’m trying really hard not to cry at this point, cuz i was just so fucking frustrated. he gets someone to get me off my game. my players wanted me to spin again, and i was just like no. and left.
i think i’m missing something. being stupid on ebay, i search for altoids. and i find multiple auctions for Ginger Altoids, that are going for way too much money. one auction is for a set of 6 tins of ginger altoids, selling for 24$. another is a floor display with 60 tins of ginger altoids, for 139$. what??!?!! do i need to invest in some altoids to sell on ebay? is that the new money making scheme on the site? wtf.
my day keeps getting better and better. i’m not getting the guess coat cuz it’s out of stock, and they can’t accept back orders. great. thanks. i guess that’s 22$ i have back now. my credit card bill was 900$
the one highlight of my day…or well 2. the first one. i had called the number russell gave me to talk to the person who would know all the technical aspects of the website. so i call, and leave a message. someone calls back. turns out i called someone’s house, i dialed wrong. it was some lady. we figured out i called the wrong number, ok, sorry, end of conversation. a minute later she calls back. she asks me if on my message i said that i worked for some terminal restoration board. she wanted to know what terminal was being restored. so i told her i was with the CTRC and they’re working on restoring central terminal on the east side. she asked me if they/we take volunteers to do work on it. i was like oh yeah definitely all the time. she said she couldn’t do it now, cuz she was working full time, but that she’ll be retired next year. she was worried the restoration would be done by then HA! i told them the major problem is money, and that there was going to be the fundraiser, and that she should come by cuz she could talk to people on the board and what not. she said she was going to keep my number to call me if she had any other questions. how rad is that? lol. all russell and the CTRC is me and leighanne to do PR. the more people we talk to about this, the more people are way excited about it. i’m going to try to get the name of the googoo dolls lawyer from doug at work. i figure he’s the only contact i can find to get in touch with the band. they expressed interest in the terminal at one point, and it would be really great if they got on board with stuff now. it can’t hurt. i don’t know of any other way of contacting them, that wouldn’t go to some PO box that collects fan mail. i figure the lawyer is probably a decent bet. at least i can write to him, and maybe he can pass it along.
the 2nd highlight is i got the 2nd round of chucky p street team stuff. stickers, postcards, and pins like the lullabye street team stuff. they need to give out more pins, cuz once i’m done giving them to my friends i have none left. lol. i figure it was good timing with the postcards tho, cuz i can hand them out to people at the concert tomorrow. i never know what to do with the stickers. it’s the same kind of contest, most creative advertising location wins a box of goodies from chucky p. i have no imagination so…i’m kinda screwed as far as that goes. whatever.
but on the “my day is shitty” scale…turns out the people upstairs are not the ones who moved out. the people in apt 4, the other half of the upstairs, are the ones who left. the windows are open so you can see into the emptiness, and our landlord was up there yesterday cleaning or something. so we have another 10 months of living with the stompers upstairs.
i think i need to sink myself into something other than sitting here doing nothing all night. going to the parents made me forget about the shit for a while, but now i’m here by myself with the temptations of alcohol around, and i don’t want to wallow in my own self-pity all night. maybe i’ll work on the sites i’m supposed to be working on haha.
i’ve been ebay-ing all day, mainly looking for things i can sell, but bidding on more than i’ve found to sell (which is nothing)…
well i just lost my entire funny entry i was writing, cuz i pressed the back button on the wrong window. fuck. well. as i was saying, i’m doing research on the whole vegas thing, hotels to stay at, things to see, etc. is hilarious. here are some of the highlights i already typed out once…
Main Street Station – downtown – Berlin Wall: The men’s room has a chunk of the Berlin Wall on display, and you can urinate on it. It’s fun, trust us.
New York New York – strip – Coyote Ugly: Nothing attracts crowds like a bar based on a bad movie, and boy oh boy what a bad movie Coyote Ugly was
Circus Circus – strip – Scary Clown Show: A clown show that will unintentionally scare those of us afraid of clowns is performed every afternoon in the Grand Slam Adventuredome. Just walk in the opposite direction of the line of kids fleeing with tears in their eyes and you’ll find it.
Western – downtown – Crazy People: Sit down at a blackjack table or slot machine and strike up a conversation with the person next to you. Chances are about one in three that you will come away with a few gems from the conversation. After all, these people are crazy.
Fiesta Henderson – off strip – Lava Lounge: Free acts fill the lava lounge on weekend evenings with the sad sounds of once-hopeful musicians who have sunk to the level of Off-strip cover band.
Key Largo – off strip – The Awful Mural in the Lounge: It’s good for a few minutes of wonderment while you drink your happy hour booze. Otherwise, there is no entertainment unless we happen to be out front putting on a puppet show for some change so we can get that nacho platter.
“There are jugglers, dancers and a wide range of other “talented” people that would be unemployed in any town other than Las Vegas.”
and my list of things we must do in vegas
1. drink martinis in a swanky old vegas lounge
2. molest bono in the venetian
3. watch scary talking statue show at caesars
4. have a drink in every casino on the strip
5. one night down town on fremont street
5a. walk around fremont reenacting u2’s “i still haven’t found what i’m looking for” video
6. possibly walk around in macphisto gold lame suits
7. the female impersonators show at the riviera
8. play a slot, or table game in every casino on the strip (possibly getting free drinks that way)
9. leighanne wants a set of dice from every casino we get a drink in.
10. go back to paris to get one of the fabulous frozen coconut vodka drink things i had last time, and remember not to lose the list of ingredients this time.
to be added to…
definitely still want to stay at the sahara. but there are a few other possibilities. definitely not staying in any hotel built past 1980 it’s all about the kitch factor here. and the cheap factor.