wow last night dragged and dragged and sucked. tapped onto my table and got to deal to my most hated player who comes to the casino. i’ve hated him since day one, because he’s an asshole. there was another one like him on my table as well. i took some verbal abuse right away, not a good way to start the shift. then the night took forever to end. i kept fucking up, really stupid things too. i just was tired and not paying attention.

then today feels like slow motion too. i keep looking at the time, and only a few minutes have gone by, but it feels like forever. and my hands are all shaking and i don’t know why. ug.

adr is picking my film up for me tonight. she should be home soon with it. yay. i might try to get out early and come home to scan them, but we’ll see.


got my photos. i’m actually rather unhappy with them. i dunno. not all of them are getting scanned this time. guess that means we just gotta go back. for whatever reason, alot of them were blurry. of course i don’t know which ones were on manual focus and which weren’t, but a few i know were auto focus for sure and blurry. blah. some were auto focus in the dark, and i know the cam has issues with focusing in the dark…it’s lil test light isn’t enough often times. manual focus in the dark is no better, cuz you can’t see, and you don’t even get the test light. and a bunch i don’t know what orientation they’re supposed to have lol. ah well.

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