from the buffalo news

Man stabbed behind store in critical condition 7/11/2003

LEWISTON – A Wheatfield man was seriously injured early Thursday when several men stabbed him multiple times and stole his mother’s car behind the Ms. Thank You Convenience Store, 5075 Merrywood Drive, Niagara County sheriff’s deputies said.

James Giannini, 27, of Sy Road, was listed in critical condition in the intensive care unit of Mount St. Mary’s Hospital, a hospital official said.

The attack took place at about 4:17 a.m. when Giannini drove behind the shop and got out of the car while an unknown male who was in the car with him took his keys. Once outside, he was jumped by several men, including the man he was with, and stabbed a number of times before they fled in a 2001 Oldsmobile that is registered to his mother, deputies said.

Giannini walked to a nearby Upper Mountain Road home, where he got help and was taken to the hospital. The car was later found burning off Walmore Road.



I work with James. Apparently he’s “ok” though… in ICU but going to live. so i guess that’s good…


i am so friggen sore again from the terminal. it’s like…walking on snow uses different leg muscles so the first snow falls you feel all sore. walking on debris and trying to keep your balance and avoid big sheets of asbestos etc uses different muscles, cuz i can barely walk i’m so sore LOL.

i’m craving donuts. off to dunkin.


ok…i don’t know if this is a dream or not.

adr and i just went to dunkin to get my donuts, and we realized there was a gigantic thundercloud above us…moving north. lightning, started to rain, but then stopped as it moved over. driving down past target, and there’s a funnel cloud….!!!!!!!!  ….not touching down, but definitely there, definitely a funnel. i asked adr if i was dreaming, she said no. but that’s how it always goes in my dreams. so i figure if i come to my blog tomorrow and this post is really here I wasn’t dreaming. but of course i dream about blogging too…

BUT I SAW A FUNNEL CLOUD!!!!!!! that’s like, the last thing on my list to accomplish in my life… i was in an earthquake last year and this year saw a funnel cloud. i’d like to see it as a real tornado but, it’ll do for now

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