dream: i was a divorcee. i had been married for a short time when i was 18 or 19, but i never moved in with my husband, i stayed living with my parents. it didn’t last long and i filed for divorce. but i didn’t really remember any of it, and i didn’t ever tell anyone about it. i couldn’t remember what he looked like, or his last name, but his first was jerry. the only reason i remembered it and brought it up was because i was out with jerry seinfeld and kramer one day, and kramer asked if i knew a good lawyer, and i said, only the one i used for my divorce. they were both surprised i had been married. once i remembered, i realized i didn’t remember if the divorce was ever final, if we had gotten paper work to sign. so i was trying to remember his name so i could contact him and find out. i was looking through an old address book but there were multiple jerry’s listed in it, so i still wasn’t sure who he was.
life: is very uneventful. i really don’t do anything other than work and sit around at home. tired of winter, waiting for it to get nicer out so i can start biking in preparation for the 33 mile Ride for Roswell (please donate to me). i was going to the gym after work to bike but it’s so freaking boring i couldn’t take doing it for more than a half hour or about 3 miles. plus it was 4am and i didn’t really want to get home later than 5, and i couldn’t sleep well afterward (exercising too close to bed time). warmer weather will also (hopefully) motivate me to get out to urbex more.
but i don’t get much accomplished sitting at home all the time either. no motivation to do anything. i “want” to get a gallery show for my chernobyl photos, but that means i want someone to find me and offer it to me, and not me go seek one out lol. i could be researching galleries and working on an artist statement to apply for a show, but…nope. maybe one of these days.
nice weather will also mean garden time. aiming to plant less than 14 tomato plants this year hahaha.
there, a real (boring) update, not just a dream.