before i forget, it’s really funny that sometimes in my blogs i speak directly to carolyn (and she speaks directly to me in her blog) when we talk to each other every day for like 4 hours. like her blog has a message to me about how the “you rock my world” video is up in 1 file instead of two on kazaa, but it’s still avi format. like she couldn’t tell me directly LOL.

and now this is my message for carolyn: why were you and your mom discussing the hotness factor of u2 members? LOL does she know the origin of guggi?

well i went to the health center about my shoulder. i guess it’s tendonitis or something. he said there’s a tendon that connects my bicep to my shoulder and then to my neck. and that’s exactly where it hurts, and why my neck and face were numb last night as well as my arm. i don’t know if i believe him totally, because he’s the guy who said my sore throat was due to the fact i was sniffling too much when it turns out i had mono. he gave me naproxin to reduce the inflamation of my tendon. he said it might be due to the scoliosis i had when i was a kid, although it’s ok now, he said my back is still curved a bit, on my left side….and my posture, which i already knew. it gets better when i’m standing, unless i’m standing for a long time (like when i’m shopping)…i was washing lettuce half hour ago and my shoulder felt fine, but then i sat down to eat, and i’m sitting here now and it’s killing me and my face is going numb again.

i’m so tired. i have to study, psychopathology exam tomorrow. my social and personality development exam got changed.. it’s not monday, it might not even be next week… and if it’s not next week, it’s not going to be wednesday because it’s the day after it would be friday… 2 weeks later LOL. so that’s cool. now i just gotta do the exam tomorrow which should be fine, and then fail neuropsych on monday…and write my journal for thursday. AND we’re SUPPOSED to be running subjects through our study next mon-thurs, but we don’t think it’s happening. our advisors haven’t given us the protocols for if people freak out or anything, and i’m sure they haven’t recruited participants yet. we haven’t piloted anything. so all signs are pointing to not running next week. i have to go meet with them to practice at 12:45…so i should probably go and read the script since i haven’t touched it since last friday LOL.


ok so i’ve definitely decided i’m anti-war. thought i’d mention that. yep. war – uh – what is it good for? absolutely nothing, say it again.

carolyn’s mom doesn’t know the origin of guggi. lol.

trying to study for my exam tomorrow in psychopathology, not working real well. i dunno if i’ve read any of my notes without simultaneously thinking of something completely different…whether it be singing a song stuck in my head while reading my notes, or day dreaming while reading my notes… they’re not going in my head at all.

yup, not running subjects next week. we’re piloting on tuesday. gotta con my housemates into being piloters…or whatever you call the people who are in the piloting run. dunno when we’re running subjects now, cuz 2 weeks is break so can’t do it then, then it’s cultural harmony week and LOL we can’t really do our study during cultural harmony week LOL it just wouldn’t be right (and i know u don’t understand why I’m LOLing to that, but i can’t tell you. if i told you i’d have to kill you). but then it’s also not gonna be good to do it right after cultural harmony week, so we probably won’t run subjects until november now, and that gives me lots more time to learn my script haha…


yeah so i told my mom about my shoulder, and now she thinks i’m having a heart attack and should have an EKG… yet if i had told her about the chest pains i’ve been having for the past 4 weeks, she’d call me a hypochondriac (like she originially did about my shoulder until i told her half my upper body and head was numb)


since i’m doing a poor job studying to begin with, thought i might say, our townhouses have the most piece of shit mini blinds i’ve ever seen. they are not right. half the time only one side will go up or down. and then it’ll get stuck up.. and no matter what u do, u cant get them to go down. but remember, only half of it is up…so it’s all tilted and stuck and ARG. and i dunno if it’s supposed to be this way, but the shingles on the roof outside my window are all messed up. they’re different sizes, and some overlap and others are under…and it’s not done symmetrically either, so like every 2 singles theres one on top of the others…it looks stupid.


“107” yep all time favourite orgy song

yep i’m studying


just realized that my desk lamp says on the inside “caution risk of fire, use 60 watt or smaller type A bulbs”…what kind of bulb do i have in it? 100 watt… yeeeah great.

yes i’m studying.

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