yay for digital cable. boo for the fact that everytime i turn on mtv2 it’s hiphop and r&b hour. and we are currently getting all the premium movie channels we’re not supposed to get. i was flipping through the channels last night, and i’m like what the hell channel is this? it was like American West or something…and then i don’t get how it’s like blahblahblahWEST and blahblahblahEAST channel…like um? wtf does that mean….and of course flipping through the channels at 11:30pm isn’t a good idea, cuz then u get porn. i didn’t believe danielle about how bad it was, but yeah…porn. and we dont even get that playboy channel lol. legends of the fall was on and i was gonna stay up and watch it, since i’ve been reading interview, and all i can think about is long hair brad pitt…but i just went to bed. that movie is way long.

so i should get dressed and read my articles for my paper before joe calls after work. that gives me…um…3 hrs to read my articles (yeah that’s gonna happen, i also have to finish Interview before i go back to school, and of course that’s way more important hehe)


o.m.g….Death To Smoochy…. so completely insane and SO COMPLETELY GREAT!!! omg it was so hilarious. the commericals do it no justice…and all the scenes from the movie in the commercials come in like the first 20 minutes of the movie. omg Robin Williams is insane, and so goddamn funny…and ed norton… god i love him. the best line of the whole movie is near the end, robin williams. SO FUNNY. i won’t say what it was, cuz i don’t wanna ruin it for carolyn. but this movie is so great. will need to own on dvd. it’s completely nuts. i’d see it again. definitely. oh and carolyn…Smoochy is a nazi lol.

then watched most of forrest gump on cinemax 2 when i got home. i forgot what a great movie that was. omg i’m freezing.

but anyway. i was watching mtv before and there was a news thing on the whole R Kelly sex scandal thing…and ppl are like, he still makes good music, so regardless of what he’s done, i’ll still buy his records etc etc… and i’m sorry, but how is having sex with a 13 year old girl any different then MJ being accused of child molesting… cuz R Kelly having sex with minors IS STILL CHILD MOLESTING. it’s the exact same thing. but of course no one is treating R Kelly like how everyone treated MJ….everyone’s saying “oooh R Kelly…innocent until proven guilty” WHEN THEY HAVE HIM FUCKING HER ON A VIDEO TAPE (cuz that was a brilliant move on his part)….but MJ… he’s guilty forever more, even tho there is so much evidence that the whole thing was a scam. forget. not talking about this. it just pisses me off.

eric will be home tonight, so prolly end up doing something later. i need to do my homework. not gonna get done, cuz spending most of the day tomorrow at joe’s watching the sabres game and hanging out, and going midnight bowling. i guess i’ll do it sunday hehe.

quote of the night: “I’m too good a person to be a televangelist”


just realized how very Fight Club-esque the NIN song “The becoming” is….and i know chuck listened to alot of nin during some writing of a novel. i think he said he listened to Fixed on repeat while writing choke, but i could be wrong, and it could have been fight club. either way, i know chuck is a nin fan, and the lyrics of this song are soooo FC like. omg reading the lyrics, could they BE anymore FCesque?

I beat my machine it’s a part of me it’s inside of me
I’m stuck in this dream it’s changing me I am becoming
(hello…right there…jack beats himself up….suffering from insomnia, becoming tyler)

The me the you know he had some second thoughts
He’s covered with scabs he is broken and sore
(i laff at how similar this song is to FC…jack’s old life as the buisnessman, had second thoughts about his life and choice of furniture…now he beats himself up, totally broken and sore)
The me that you know he doesn’t come around much
That part of me isn’t here anymore
(jack to marla: tyler’s not here, tyler went away…..tyler to jack: slowly you’re becoming…tyler durden)

All pain disappears it’s the nature of my circuitry
Drowns out all I hear no escape from this my new consciousness
(“after fighting everything has the volume turned down”)

The me that you know he used to have feelings
(“and i used to be such a nice person”)
But the blood has stopped pumping and he’s left to decay
The me that you know is now made up of wires
And even when I’m right with you I’m so far away
(wires…sort of like a machine…the machine of the space monkeys at the paper st soap company)

I can try to get away but I’ve strapped myself in
I can try to scratch away the sound in my ears
I can see it killing away all of my bad parts
I don’t want to listen but it’s all to clear
(becoming tyler is ridding jack of his “bad parts”…his materialism, all that stuff. jack doesn’t want to hear tyler in the hotel room telling him they’re the same person, but he realizes jack is tyler)

Hiding backwards inside of me I feel so unafraid
Annie, hold a little tighter I might just slip away

It wont give up it wants me dead
Goddamn this noise inside my head
(shoots himself in the head to rid himself of tyler)

god i’m so smart.



clinical was cancelled today. so instead of class i spent the time running around campus doing stuff for this job thing. i talked to dr schneider again about my vitae, going to change one part and send it to her again to see if it’s ok. then she told me i should open a file at career services to keep reference letters in. so i went to get a form to do that (the m key doesn ‘t work on this keyboard)…that costs 5$…so then i went back to my room to email 3 other proffs to ask if they’d write letters for me. so did that…then ran to the union to print out my transcripts but of course the kiosk thing that does it doesn’t work. so hiked my self to admin building to do it at the other kiosk,…of course doesn’t work either. but the lady here in this office where i am now (student accounts i think) said they can do it for me. so that’s where i am now. the printer only prints things once every 7 minutes, so i am waiting here….cuz i need 4….blah.

sometimes i really wonder why i come to this class (comp art)…because we apparently have an hour to work on our forms…. WHICH I CAME IN ON MY FREE TIME TO DO YESTERDAY!!!!!!! arg. so now i have NOTHING to do since i’m finished. grrrr..
i should just leave and come back, but no i’ll just sit here bored. someone IM me…i’m on AIM as bonoist… and i have no buddy list. stupid macs.