Alice Cooper and Rob Zombie @ Artpark

gruesome twosome tour with rob zombie and alice cooper came into lewiston for their final tour date (which we did not know). eric, adr2 and bliss and i headed out, we had seats inside the main building at artpark. i had not been to artpark since high school graduation TWELVE years ago gaah! i like it there, they should have more shows.

we had assumed rob zombie would play first, but we were wrong and alice came onto stage to “schools out” and continued on with the majority of the 5 alice songs i know LOL. alice is fantastic. he truely is the godfather of that whole “shock rock” genre and despite not being super familiar with his music he does not disappoint. he broke out all the major theatrics that he is known for – the guillotine, gallows, spike box thing, straight jackets, etc. no snakes though. he played for about an hr 20, and the show was highly entertaining. i don’t know if it’s sad, or amusing, but i spend my time watching shows thinking “oh that’d be a nice shot” or “that’s a great pose for a photo” etc. alice’s show is full of awesome photo opportunities haha. i’m lame.

School’s Out
No More Mr. Nice Guy
I’m Eighteen
Wicked Young Man
Ballad Of Dwight Fry
Go To Hell
Cold Ethyl
From The Inside
Nurse Rozetta
Be My Lover
Only Women Bleed
I Never Cry
Black Widow Jam
Vengeance Is Mine
Dirty Diamonds
Billion Dollar Babies
I Love The Dead
Elected (complete with MirrorBall Man outfit ha)
Under My Wheels

so rob zombie followed. i had seen rob zombie at ozzfest several years ago as the headliner of the 2nd stage. i remember being surprised at the time that it was really just him on stage wearing jeans, and walking around singing. there wasn’t much show. this time was completely different, as they had “outfits”, and props, and robots, and video and light screens, and it was much much more what i was expecting from a rob zombie show. again i’m not super familiar with his catalog, only knowing his hits, and one recent album. but he was very entertaining as well, and metal shows are always good haha. i


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