2006 in review

first sentence from first entry of every month…the year in review

january – happy new year. goodbye 2005 and good riddance. with the exception of anything reznor related you sucked. – i don’t really remember january

february – i think i had a night terror last night – nin shows in toledo (bitchin) and cinci. seeing tour friends again.

march – got my ticket for ottawa on friday – more nin shows…cancelled ottawa, london, erie and the one and only amazing rochester experience.

april – in vegas. the flight was uneventful except for the fact that it turns out a few people from work were on the same one therefore i was forced to sorta socialize with them. – vegas! nin cabazon spiral show and vegas show. moved. hockey!

may – Johnny Depp is being lined up to play Michael Hutchence in a movie biopic about the INXS star, it has been claimed. – hockey! finally exploring again.

june – u2 totally sold out with all these world cup commercials – what do you know, more nin shows – saratoga, toronto, cleveland, columbus on my birthday and pittsburg.

july – a tornado, traffic, 2 semi’s harassing us all the way down 79, bad venue directions again, 5 hours later and a half an hour to park, adr and i got to the venue outside of pittsburgh right as bauhaus was about to go on. – end of the tour. gall bladder acting up again.

august – i need something to sew so i have an excuse to buy the cute halloween fabrics at walmart. – visitors and exploring.

september – after my surgery screening today i met jerry out at “rearden”. – gall bladder surgery. more visitors.

october – yay welcome to october my fav month. – snow storm.

november – well i deleted my icenine inbox again…great. – europe planning! transfig.

december – the weather is total shit out – hockey and xmas parties and all that.

aside from more nin shows 2006 was pretty uneventful and boring. drama free lets say. thanks for that. i don’t remember much of note beyond the shows. hoping for more drama freeness in 2007

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