add vulva to the list of words in the babel game…wtf. and pinion teehee

i got a myspace message from jason my senior prom “sorta date” (as he put it haha). that whole going together cuz neither one of us had dates thing and then i didn’t dance with him but played social butterfly all night. pretty neat to hear from him. we were never good friends, but we ate lunch together. haha we used to pay him 5 bucks to drink shots of hot sauce. ah the good old days 😛 but yeah. he spent 6 years in japan, married with twins. very cool. i think only adr will care at all about this paragraph.

so it turns out the scheduler gave most of the 10-6ers tonight 5-1 shifts tomorrow to “reward” us for having given us 10-6s tonight. as if that was a good idea AT ALL. to add insult to injury they moved us all up to 4-12 tomorrow. w.t.f. so it really IS work, sleep, work. luckily i pointed this fact out to grave shift when they came in and that i’d really like to get out early if possible so they got me out at quarter after 4. not like it really makes a diff since i won’t be alseep before 6 anyway….

went to the mall to find shoes. didn’t. it was packed too so it sucked and i was mad. i bought 3 books tho – readers digest complete guide to sewing, a book about the discovery of asbestos as a health hazard, and one about the 1960s.

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