happy new year. goodbye 2005 and good riddance. with the exception of anything reznor related you sucked.
so let’s do this thing. 2005 in review:
january – “it didn’t turn out as horrible as it started.” (regarding work) – i don’t really remember much of the first few months of the year beyond losing all my friends and being upset all the time.
february – “Jenn has run into some complications and is not going to be able to carry the baby full term.” – same as january. i had my gallery show, opened feb 12th.
march – “spent the morning in the er.” – ah yes my trip to the er for my ulcer that i didn’t know i have. and 3 words – trent fucking reznor. went to reno and invited basically, a complete stranger, to come with me. and it worked out way better than i could have ever imagined.
april – “i think i just sorta had a date…” – started dating tommy
may – “i wish i had some sort of talent or skill that i could market and work for myself, while able to live as comfortably as i do now, so that i could completely embrace the counter culture.” – the new nin record, with teeth, was released. and the 2 best concerts of my entire life – the nin club shows in toronto. followed by the spur of the moment trip with adr2 to philly for 2 more club shows.
june – “since everyone else went to toronto this weekend, i will go by myself tomorrow.”
july – “What is the point of itunes, when you PAY to download music, but then CAN’T BURN IT?”
august – “i hate my life” – met josh, dan, and dagr at the terminal. at least i think that was august haha.
september – “i’ve been watching cnn all day, and most of the 5 hours that i did nothing at work yesterday.” katrina. and my addiction to cnn. a fun and successful event at the terminal – oktoberfest. and oh, u2 shows.
october – “a bunch of fans of the show Fear on mtv put together a 7 dvd set of all episodes and bonus stuff.” 3 more nin shows, trip to chicago.
november – “had my 2 fillings, face was numb until i went to work” – the major nin road trip, 7 cities, 10 days. most excellent time.
december – “put my xmas trees up today.” – whirl wind trip to cali.
the year is more a less a blur of pain, hurt and upsetness, with isolated moments of pure happiness.
and for resolutions? of course i could say i am going to fix myself, and get better, and do something with my life and time. but i wish it was that easy. and if i made that resolution, who would i really be fooling?
here’s hoping for a much better 2006.