apparently i never pushed publish when i typed up my entry….

well lola didn’t run….instead we watched mulholland drive (finally) and the matrix (finally)…i am no longer a matrix virgin. wow mulholland drive makes your brian hurt. expect nothing less from david lynch. i was doing ok up until the blue box part, then it was like…i don’t get it. brian found a really cool site about it to explore the movie. will have to see it again at some point. and the fact that billy ray cyrus was in it just makes my day lol. the matrix was good as well. except for the fact that no matter how hard he tries, i can only see keanu as ted, excellent *air guitar* hehe. the matrix was really pretty and had very nice coats throughout

mom is on her way over (supposedly…i think she’s here now…half hour late) to pack more crap. must not let her ruin my fabulous mood


**JOOYYGAAASM******* has been updated. and they have the date for halo eighteen as being 2004!!! THIS YEAR!!! i was figuring at least another year and a half before trent got his act together….gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah  sooooooooo wonderful. i might have to quit my job to be a groupie. trent trent love you trent….and the site is nice. minimalist, lots of info and video links (that i can’t get to work. i don’t think i have quicktime)…so wonderful!!! there is a “ask trent a question” page…which i think is sorta lame. but i’m taking full advantage of the opportunity for someone in the nothing records camp to read my plea for trent to come to the terminal. i’m serious. i’m totally telling him to come here. i figure, it really absolutely cannot hurt. and if he thinks i’m a big lame dork so be it, i’m sure he wouldn’t really fall absolutely head over heals in love with me at first site anyway, so what’s the problem with embarassing myself through the question page…

mom was 100 times more annoying today than yesterday. she must have been on her best behavior since james was here. now she’s on my case that my neighbors are homeless looking scumbags with 12 kids. to not tell them what shift i work at so they don’t break into my house thinking i’m not home. blahblahfuckingblah. can’t wait for this to be done. tired of her yelling at me.

GAH TRENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


man i’m in total teenie bopper mode haha. totally just gave trent my phone number. i think i’d completely pass out if he actually called LOL. holy cow. or maybe i’d explode lol. spontaneous human combustion all cuz of a phone call.


and becaaaaaaaaaaause i’m a big dork. i just noticed that instutitonal green looks very similar to the new…as in, i think i used the same font on IGv2…


oh yeah. i thought my mom said she hated mulholland drive, but apparently i was wrong. she said she liked it. she made dad go drive on mulholland drive when they were in LA…and she made him drive around and find the sharon tate house, which is SO totally something i would do. incase you don’t know who sharon tate is, she was one of the people killed by Charles Manson’s “family”. right up my alley hehe


so…incase any of my new friends, who weren’t around 2.5 years ago when “and all that could have been” was released, are interested in viewing my ultimate trent fantasy…just click that link. best. thing. ever. my exact trent fantasy…but hopefully without jerome dillon lol.

this ain’t nothing. wait til new stuff ACTUALLY comes out. i’ll be unbareable. the day i got the cd, how many posts did i do?…like 40? that was a record day haha.

just watched “somewhat damaged” live from a show in europe. would LOVE to see that song live. but i’ll take “reptile” over that one any day. and “something i can never have”…instead of…”piggy” and….”head like a hole”. good songs but…i wouldn’t miss them. and i’d love to hear “last” from broken instead of “gave up” (tho i’ve learned to adore that song haha) or even better… “physical” *drool* hehe

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