so amy came down from rochester this afternoon. i had taken a shower while she was en route, and then the shower wouldn’t turn off. so when she got here, we had to sit around and wait for the land lord to show up. kinda felt bad we just sat there and watched tv and stuff. once the shower was fixed, and the closet door was fixed, we headed out to dinner. ended up at buca’s, and besty, another geneseo-ite, met us there with her boyfriend. had lots of food, had a giant piece of chocolate cake, and then came back here where we commensed tv watching again. but it was really fun, good to see her again and chat and everything. too bad danielle wasn’t around too. amy was going to stay the night, but then decided not to. so after she left i went to the grocery store, and of course the minute i leave the house it starts sleeting haha.

i always find it interesting to see who else goes grocery shopping at 1am lol.

came back here and updated digital undertow with the road trip photos. tomorrow i gotta fix my resume to send to russell, i keep procrastinating it. blah.


lots and lots of trent dreams all night. firstly that the new record will come out in april. that trent will die of cancer. that i was going on a tour of his house. and the big dream…i was in whatever town trent lived in (cuz it wasn’t new orleans) and walking by his property. he had a big huge piece of land that was all fenced off. there were streams and ponds and all sorts of stuff on his property. i was hoping that he’d somehow see me walking by and be enchanted by me and all this. apparently he was, and he sent some employee of his to come get me. when they found me i had already crawled through a hole in the fence and i was hiding by one of the ponds. the person took me and this black girl that was with me, to this dark shed type structure. we had to wait there to be crucified. apparently everyone who trent let in his life had to be crucified, to prove their loyalty or something. so first, the guy started to crucify the black girl. once that was done, he came to me and hammered the nails into my hands. apparently trent had special powers, because after we were crucified, he came to see us and take us down off the crosses, and he’d heal us and we wouldn’t die. but he didn’t want the black girl, so he ignored her, and he just came to me. he took the nails out, and held me and told me he loved me.

isn’t that lovely.

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