guess what time i woke up this morning. 5:30. yeah. forced myself to go back to sleep. had a weird dream about taking a shower with a bunch of other people with all our clothes on, and getting gum stuck all in my hair.

so i’ve been trying to find out what the deal was with the tool show. is retarded, they have no information – if you can even find the correct working onsale page…but anyway. at first i was under the impression it was like a normal hsbc show, GA floor, reserved seats everywhere else. but then eric said he heard that it was all GA, no reserved seats. the ottawa show, from, seems to be all GA too. so i looked at the other US shows on and the new orleans show is entirely GA with no reserved seating, but others are GA floor and upperlevel seats…so no idea what buffalo is. and that makes a big difference because of it’s all GA i don’t need to get my ticket on saturday. i can wait to find out if hamilton is going to be cheaper (since there is still no info about it), and i can have a job hahaha….oh maybe i’ll email the radio station. so they can tell me they don’t know either. haha

it’s super hot out today. crap.


back from hard rock interview. i have to go back sunday at 9 am to meet with general manager who has the final say on hiring. it’d be for hostess position, 7$ an hour. they hire waitresses who have 2-3 years experience. but they put people in departments (like hosting) and u can work your way into other depts. i guess the progression is hostess, to bussing (3.30 an hr plus tips, so ur taking home 100+$ a night), to waitress, to bartending. they hire bartenders with 4-5 years experience. she told me they’re a 4$million store, and they make 75% of that in june – august. that’s incredible lol. so yeah, she said they need ppl with experience already cuz it’s so busy, and stuff. whatever. it’s air conditioned, and it’s more $ there than mcds lol, even if i have to drive farther. it’ll be fun. if i get hired that is. and i don’t see why i wouldn’t be.

so last night, eric walked over cuz he was bored, and i was bored. so instead of being bored alone we’d be bored together. ended up watching the nin dvd since he doesn’t own it (call yourself a fan lol). that kinda spurred us onto the ultimate setlist. so i’m going to create my ultimate nin setlist. i figure 15 songs is about right…i’ll probably go over. oh, and these are in no particular order
1. reptile
2. something i can never have
3. last
4. physical
5. the fragile
6. heresy
7. the becoming
8. wish
9. terrible lie
10. sin
11. sanctified
12. gave up
13. and all that could have been
14. the wretched
15. somewhat damaged
there are no instrumentals in there…add them in for filler and….i left out alot of songs that are staples of the current/fragile show, just cuz i’ve already seen them. doesn’t make them any less great. if i had my way i’d have them do every song 🙂

so tonight, going out to dinner for mom’s birthday. yay. and then dunno what. it’s really friggen hot. i don’t want to move cuz my room is like 4 bazillion degrees. and today is amir’s birthday too. i have no idea how old he is. i’m guessing like 38.




there was a beehive in my car. in the backseat passenger door. i was like WOAH BEEHIVE!! haha so it’s all gone now. i took a picture but since i still don’t know how to really work my camera, who knows if it’ll turn out. the picture i took of the louis and lestat house in new orleans turned out even tho it was on some setting that i don’t know how to use yet, so maybe this one will too.

so i was thinking of fun things that i can do this summer with my friends. whoever is around. i came up with a few
1. maid of the mist/cave of the winds. we can pretend to be tourists.
2. day/overnight trip to watkins glen…it’s not that far, we can wine taste, and go hike in the glen and stuff. i haven’t been there in years. used to go with my parents all the time. rainbow cove hotel is right on the lake and it’s cheap (or well it used to be lol)
3. trip to erie, get adrienne, then down to pittsburg to the Mystery Spot – since i never went last year.
4. or trip to erie, get adrienne, go to cleveland and rock and roll hall of fame – still haven’t been there
of course now that i might get this job at hard rock i’m not going to have weekends off most likely. grrrrrrr. loved mcds and my make my own schedule lol.


i don’t know why i’m watching this but i am. the teen choice music mania thing on Fox. Britney spears is on. it looks like she went to the mariah carey school of dancing – constantly grabbing her breats al la mariah in that god awful racing video….and the janet jackson school of singing/song writing/dancing….her dance moves are right out of jackson videos – she was acting just like janet…and this song, it’s like…nasty boys and control…i dont know what she was saying, except those words. something about every girl needs a nasty boy, and then she’s in control. and the singing was all that breathy crap janet does. the song sucks. it’s worse than that slave song. if that could be possible. oh well. maybe this ends in 15 min with the ja rule performance and seinfeld will be on. wow jennifer love hewitt looks horrible. so does JC…and chris just got fat…rofl ja rule makes me laff. he’s got that “i smoke 3 packs a day” voice. and this girl, ashanti…haha she can sing, and then she’s got that “ghetto accent” when she talks. makes me laff. and this song…”i wanna be your chick” hahaha….actually JC looks kinda cute LOL. oooooo you can go to and vote for the teen choice awards. i really don’t care that i’m 22, i’m going to vote anyway hehehe

so tonight’s adventure: eric came over. is that a surprise? drove downtown, parked in the lot he paid for, went to thursday in the square for a whole 5 minutes. i saw too many people from high school than i care to. ignored all of them. they ignored me, if they even recognized me, which is possible that they didn’t. i was never friends with any of the people we saw anyway. walked down to chippewa, walked back to the car. went down to the river for ice cream, and headed home. i think it’s funny that i’m “of age” and i’m home at 9:30 hahaha. i think i got bug bites at the river. it’s still too hot in my room. blah.

so tomorrows projects are: car inspection at 11 (so i have to wake up early lol) and maybe i’ll try out my iron on rhine stone letter things….

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