REZNOR: I’m not far from Audubon Park, so I’ll go there just to get out and see human beings, I’ll hit that, or I’ll go to Jean Lafitte Park [on Canal Street], which is just a half hour from here. It’s a straight stretch of highway, so if you take your chances, you can open things up.

yeah we were so totally there, and i was like “i think that’s the park trent goes to”….and he has a green porche, not a black one, but that’s ok cuz we still didn’t see it. i think we saw a total of 1 porche the entire time, and it was a black convertible with 2 old men in it lol.

i got my pictures back, but my dad is installing win xp on the scanner comp so dunno when i’ll get them done. even if i do them tonight, i might not put them up til i get carolyn’s too…which i’d assume would be next week sometime. she said my account of the vacation was correct so i shouldn’t really be adding much to it.

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