i just saw this commercial…for 10 10 220…with those ex football players or whoever they are… and alf… ALF!!!!!!!! ALF THE CAT EATER ALIEN!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


oh my god. oh my god. when i saw this i actually verballized “oh my god”…not too loud tho, i was about to scream it then i realized i’d scare danielle….but OH MY GOD!!!!!!





oooooooooommmmmmmmggggggggggggggg as if that pic wasnt enough for me. I get to watch my exact trent fantasy be played out on my computer screen. andallthatcouldhavebeen.com still disc performances. HOLY SHIT!!!! this made my LIFE! you don’t even know. now i just need to get them converted from streaming quicktime to mpeg so i can burn them someplace hahah. oh my god. i’m surprised i didn’t pass out. and yeah like, the becoming and something i can never have were great, amazing, those alone made my life…but the gone,still clip… jesus christ, that is my PURE UNADULTERATED TRENT FANTASY!….well except for jerome dillon, i can take his place…but yeah…trent, piano, candles….*dies*

and this is retarded, but you can tell trent was trained in piano, cuz he plays correctly. if you just taught yourself you wouldn’t play like that. i never played like that, but i knew i was supposed to LOL. just like i don’t type right either, i know i should type differently to avoid carpal tunnel but whatever… i could never really play piano the right way…i dunno, i just couldn’t. she was going to make me play while holding tennis balls in my hands…but she never did, thank god. LOL.

i had another amazing u2 dream last night. i woke myself up from it at 630, and i’m like MUST WRITE DOWN. so i wrote it on 2 postit notes, yeah can barely read my writing LOL.

i must avoid sitting here all day and playing these videos over and over…my god…

current mood: dying, my life has been made, nothing can stop me now lol


my day just keeps getting better and better….. SWEETTARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! valentine heart shaped sweettarts from the wegmans candy section. and that reminds me…easter is coming… you know what that means?! chicks and bunnies sweettarts!!!!! bags and bags of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


it’s such a beautiful day out. i put in APC this morning since the judith video was on forever wild last night. and the combination of nice day and APC creates HUGE flashbacks… lol. can we rewind time a few years to summer 2000? that was like the best summer ever. i want it to be summer 2000 but with all this new nin stuff, and my u2 fandom lol…yeah.

i don’t like that all sweettart greens have been changed to greenapple. those little 3 pack halloween ones still have lime green. but these hearts, it’s green apple. and the chicks and bunnies are gonna be green apple unfortunately. cuz the chicks and bunnies only come in green, purple and yellow…thats why i liked them so much, no icky red ones. but now if the green is green apple, i really only like 1 flavor of the chicks and bunnies (purple, yellow tastes like soap but they’re ok)…BLAH. maybe i should write to them again and complain (if you recall, i complained to them in august)…

i’m not doing work today. i just really don’t feel like it LOL.


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