“The Senators outshot the Sabres 44-17 on Monday” LOL but another win for buffalo 2-1. incase anyone is keeping track ottawa has now won 3 of 13 post season games vs buffalo. HA! apparently there is a pre-game party at the arena or possibly pearl street, that my mom expressed some interest in haha. she’s all excited. i had a scare while trying to get my tickets printed at tops today. i gave the girl my 2 confirmation emails, and she comes back with 1 ticket…um WHAT? she showed me the screen, it said 1 ticket. i was like um NO, 5 tickets for 2 games, i spent 300$ i better damn well have more than 1 ticket to 1 game. she ended up calling tickets.com and it turned out she just didn’t know what she was doing. thank god.
since the 14g earrings didn’t do any stretching, i want to go to 12g already…
gregg who once told me i could be a character in a tim burton movie, today described me to a player as “poetry in motion. like a flower blooming in stop motion.” LOL
got my film, the end of rhyolite, and the rest of the pics from the sanitarium. i think the sanitarium is one of the most difficult places to photograph. so many things look so cool, and i just can’t capture it well. me in the safe did not turn out. exposure was too short. next time. i almost want to go back up there JUST to retake the photo. maybe i should just work on crawling into safes at the terminal. they’re all pretty huge though so it’s not hard.
when i feel like i have time (i still feel super rushed about something, tho i have nothing really to do) i think i’m going to redo instituionalgreen.com . i want to put more historical context with some of the locations, and possibly make it a bit nicer to look at. i wish i liked simpleviewer better, but i hate how it resizes the photos. they get all jagged and sucky. i probably will have to stay with gallery unless i can find something that is pretty and easy to update…no such thing