
There was this band made up of 10-12 high school students who everyone in the area loved. So we went to go see them play at the Rainbow Mall, and it was packed. It was me, Adr2, Bliss, Adr2’s mom and another person who was sometimes Adam, sometimes Jason, sometimes just a figure. Adr2s mom loooved this band, and she’d be dancing and singing along. I had to find the bathroom or something, so I left and went to the back of the mall, but by the time I got back they were gone. I didn’t have my phone, but I had a weird Sega Gamegear looking internet accessible device, and Adr2 had txt that she’d had enough and had gotten a cab home. So now Adam and I didn’t have a ride home. So we’re outside the mall after the show, and Adr2 shows up again all panicky. Bliss and her mom never came home so she had gotten a cab back to the falls. I’m like, it’s probably fine, they’re probably there now, you just missed them in passing. But we still have no ride, so I txt Adam, who apparently is not with us anymore, to see if he’d come back and pick us up but he’s like ok it’ll be an hour and a half, so I’m like nm, we’ll get an uber. But Adr2’s still freaking out that they are missing, so I’m like fine, let’s go walk to where the car had been parked. So we end up on goat island looking for them, and suddenly Bliss is there holding this giant ball…think large beach ball, or slightly smaller than normal fitness ball, and she’s also panicky and is like “I was just given this ball” and we’re like, big deal, but she’s like, no there’s a message on it. She turns it around and there is writing on the ball basically saying that mom had been kidnapped, and there was a bunch of anti-semetic stuff about why she had been taken. So now I’m like, ok, enough we have to call 911. So I call on a flip phone and explain that she’d been kidnapped and we got a message from the kidnappers, and the cop says well they could send someone out, but it costs a lot of money, and they just don’t have it, so basically they weren’t going to send anyone. I’m trying to beg just to have a cop on their regular drive arounds come find us and check all this out, but they wouldn’t. So basically we have to investigate ourselves. We manage a car or a ride and we are driving through the falls, but I’m lost and don’t know where we are or where we are going really. We pass a house that is related to these kids in the band, so we sneak inside even though there are people there, and we end up in the attic. But there are 2 kids up there going through luggage and we don’t want them to see us. So I like…use brain power…to get them to find some silly string, and they start spraying each other, and then us, with silly string. So I guess I conjure up some more and everyone is spraying silly string. We are kinda laying on the floor of this attic and this wood panel above us gets sprayed with string, and suddenly names appear on this board. It’s all the names of these kids in the band, and somehow we know it’s like some kind of occult blood pact somethingsomething. There are other random words on it, anti-semetic, and one is “dominion”. So we sneak back out of this house and into our “car” which is weird because we are facing each other across a table like on Amtrak. We start driving again, and pass this big church, which is a Jehovah’s Witness kingdom hall….but not like real life ones which are just little buildings. This one is giant, and ornate while being plain all at the same time. It’s name is Dominon so we’re like, this must be it we have to go in. There are all kinds of stairs and woodwork and everyone is really friendly. We wander around and find little references to the things on the attic board, so we think we’re on the right track. But we want to leave, and can’t find the exit so we ask and a lady says it’s down these stairs, so we go down, I was first. I get past a few steps and suddenly it’s like SUPER gravity, and I’m like, omg I can’t lift my arms. There is so much weight I can feel it pulling on me. But we keep going down because it’s the only way out. Downstairs there are other people in different poses, because they are like stuck, there is so much gravity. I can see the door so I keep trying to get to it, but Adr2 and Bliss are basically all giving up, so weighted down and not moving. So I’m like, come on, you have to keep moving. I start screaming trying to motivate these people to keep trying. I get to the door and open it, and while the gravity doesn’t wooosh out, it gets a little easier, and people are like waking up and starting to try to move. So we all get out, and back into our train car, and it’s like we’ve got it all figured out. This band is evil and trying to take over the world or something. We end up driving our train basically through a school and we pass the band all sitting together, so I make whoever was driving stop. The smug kid who leads the band walks over, and acts all triumphant and tries to get us to do something, but I’m like NOOOO, and he looks at me and is like, you think I don’t have the support of the devil, and his eyes are just black holes now, and he’s grown horns, and another devil-y friend joined him and they tell us to stand up, and Adr2 and Bliss start to stand, but I yell SIT DOWN and they do, and I just look at the 2 boys and I’m like, you think you’re the only ones with power? And they realize that they can’t match me (lol) and give up and give Adr2 a gold box that is supposed to let her find her mom. She opens it and there is a piece of paper with an address inside, but then it says Jason at the bottom, and I realize he has disappeared (cuz apparently he had been there LOL) and I’m like shit, where’d he go, now we have to find him before we leave….


dream: I was at a training session at work, with about 50 people in it. The instructor was talking, and made an off the cuff political comment, which spurred some Trump supporter in the back to speak up and say something stupid. Then they picked on Bridget for being against Trump because, “don’t you care about people starving in Indiana” like Trump was going to help them. So I just turned around and yelled “OH FUCK OFF”…then I felt the need to yell “I’m sorry, don’t fire me” because I realized I shouldn’t have had that kind of outburst at a work event.


Crazy dream completely due to the new book I started, Station Eleven, about a new flu virus that rampages the world.

The flu was getting reported, and I was out with Jason and Adam, and started freaking out that we were going to get it and die. They were like, no we’re fine, we’re not sick. But I was like, everyone else might be, and we’re around people, and I’m going to get it and I don’t want to die. Adam said he had this gel at home that you rubbed on your orifices to prevent germs from getting in, so we went to Olean to get it and I rubbed it all over my face, except it was like grey foam, so you could tell I had it on. Then we were in a big house with like 15 other people, all freaking out about the flu, and we all sorta fell asleep, because we were getting sick. So I was asleep, and dreaming in the dream that I was about to throw up, so I was like, Sara wake up you’re going to barf, so I woke up from the 2nd dream as I was starting to throw up, and was able to run to a kitchen to throw up in the sink, because others were waking up having to barf too and there weren’t enough bathrooms. It was also “coming out both ends” so no one knew what to do first (lol). I realized that while I was barfing in the sink, Adam’s mom was laying on the floor under the sink, also sick with the flu. It sounds funny but it was really terrifying and I was able to wake myself up in real life to stop it. But then the rest of the night I kept going back to that dream in some form.


I was on a trip to London, and wherever I was, Prince William and Kate showed up. They had all their guards with them, which made a big scene. It was like I was hosting them, because I was all ashamed that I wasn’t staying in some fancy place. We were at a restaurant and I was nervous because I didn’t know all the right etiquette to be around royalty. Kate was sort of uppity the way women are when first meeting other women and are nervous. Then we all got in the shower and Will and Kate were speaking French to each other and they didn’t know I could understand them. Then I went to some other part of England and was staying in an inn and got to borrow the inn keepers car because I was going to the white house. I got there and Obama was there and I was like, omg I’m so happy you’re still here and he was like, yeah I’m just hanging around. But trump was still president and his people were getting things ready for me to meet him and I was like, no that’s ok I don’t want to. They were like, what?? How can you not want to meet him, and I kept insisting I didn’t want to meet him. Then there was something about going shopping with Kate, cuz she warmed up to me, but I was still nervous cuz she was a royal, and didn’t know where to take her, but she joked she’d buy anything as long as it wasn’t by Ivanka. Then it was back at the white house again, and something about Melania, feeling bad for her or something. And it was time for me to leave and Michelle Obama was there to walk me out and I was so sad but she hugged me and was sad too, and said something touching and uplifting which made me cry as I left. Once I was outside I realized I left my phone in the white house and had sort of stolen the car from the inn keeper, but I couldn’t get back in the white house and didn’t know how to get in touch with the inn. 


My mom and I were moving in with my Aunt Trudy. They were opening a store selling jewelry they made, and we were going to live there. Turns out Aunt Trudy had a pet rattlesnake and she just let it roam wherever it wanted to, including in the store. My mom was like, you can’t have a rattlesnake wandering around, it might bite someone. Trudy is like, no, it has a rattle so you know where it is…we’re like nooo you can’t have poisonous snakes not in a tank. She’s like, it’s too big for a tank, it has to be able to stretch itself out. Meanwhile, it is always slithering up onto chairs, and curling all in on itself, never stretched out. It goes up on a chair with the cat, and curls itself all up on top of the cat, and I’m like OMG the cat, it could bite the cat, and Trudy is like no, they like to cuddle. Mom and I keep freaking out about the snake, and Trudy mentions that the snake prod doesn’t work…like an electrified piece of metal that if the snake gets too close, it shocks it, sorta like invisible fences for dogs, so they can’t use it in the store to keep the snake away from shoppers. I sit down in a chair, with my knees to my chest, and the snake immediately wakes up and comes right at me. I also have the cat now, and the snake slithers up onto my knees and makes itself comfortable. Now I’m totally freaking out, hugging the cat so it doesn’t get bit, and yelling through clenched teeth, and shaking though I’m worried my shaking will piss off the snake. Mom and Trudy are watching, and mom is like see, you can’t have the snake out. I’m full on hyperventilating, can’t breathe. Trudy is like, what’s the big deal, she’s not even snake phobic. Mom finally has enough and is like GET THE SNAKE WE’RE LEAVING, so Trudy picks the snake up off me, and I run out with the cat and mom and I get into the car to leave. I am having a full panic attack, gasping for breath, shaking. So we go…wherever…and it’s MTV and they’re having some show where bands come and play a song by another band…like NIN was there, and Nirvana who were going to play “How Soon Is Now”, and Bob Dylan…and there is a phone line viewers can call, and leave messages about what’s on the show. The phone rings and I answer it, Hello MTV News, and I can’t hear or really understand what the guy is saying, so I say Thanks and hang up, and when I do I feel a sharp pain in my arm. I lift it up and there is a snake hanging off my arm, fangs stuck in my skin. So I’m freaking out again, holding my arm up with the snake hanging off, and Bob Dylan whips out a big knife and cuts it in half.


I had a baby, and I did not care about it AT ALL. I had no attachment to it whatever, I wasn’t even sure it was alive because it didn’t cry or make and noise, or move really. I left it with someone to go on vacation, and came back and hadn’t missed it at all (“it” lol, it was a boy). I picked it up to try to act like a real mom, and burp it, and it finally started moving and stuff. I had no equipment for a baby, like a crib or changing table, or diapers or anything. I was holding it and I realized that it was going to turn into a crazy serial killer, or possessed demon like the kid in the Omen, because of a lack of parental attachment. And as I was holding it, it started turning red and shaking, the eyes turned red, and steam was coming out of it’s ears and I was like, yep, I was right, it’s already a demon, I should kill it. Suddenly it got really small, and fit in my hand like an action figure, so I figured I could just squeeze it to death and I did, and popped it’s arms and legs off. Problem solved.


I had this amazing Harry Potter dream. I was at Hogwarts, but it was in the 1920s, and I was part of a group who basically started the Daily Prophet and created all these changes at the school. We started the Prophet on thin pieces of wood, and each one was hand etched by this one kid. I couldn’t believe how much work it was, and I kept saying, we’re wizards, we should be able to create something to make this easier. Then there were weird things about the school, like there were no bathrooms. There was also some kind of time travel portal a girl accidentally found, which took her to a department store in the 1970s. She was trying on make up and a guy walked by her all glammed up, and she asked him if he was sick, and he want off on her for being judgmental about how he dressed, that he must be sick or gay, and she was like, I’m just asking cuz you have blue eye lids (he had bright blue eye shadow on), and then he was totally ok, because she was into how he dressed and she liked David Bowie (although she’s from 1920 and wouldn’t know him). She got a bunch of stuff from the store and was going to go back through the portal, but security came and thought she was stealing, so they chased her around and they ended up back in the castle somehow, and we all had to hide from security. So I ended up hiding on top of a very steep roof with another student from the Prophet. I was trying to convince him, again, that we could do the paper easier than hand etching each one, and that we saw the muggle world in the 70s could mass produce stuff, so we should invent it now in the 20s.


I don’t remember much, but omg it was such an awesome dream. There was loads more I forgot while I kept sleeping.


My job was taken over by a cult. Specifically it was the Meyerism cult from the new show on Hulu, The Path, which also seems pretty much based on Scientology. We were on a compound but somehow were still a casino, and my manager Jerry came back from disability and was like, what the hellll happened here? So basically, he was the only person at work who wasn’t in the cult, and he was astounded to see me participating in all the cult things, prayers and whatever. Of course we couldn’t talk freely so I had to get him a message that we’d talk later, and I was able to tell him that I was just pretending to be in the cult, so I could keep my job. But he was like, I’m not in the cult and I still have my job. He just couldn’t get over me being in the cult, because he knew how much of a non-believer in anything I was. I kept insisting I was just pretending, faking it, but apparently I was doing a pretty good job because I guess I was pretty high up and respected in the cult. I was able to fall right into their schemes, and was good at manipulating people’s feelings and get them to join in.

Then periods of waking up and other dreams, then back to the cult.

I don’t remember much but it was something about, like,…a vampire jesus baby savior feeding on the leader to become the new savior/leader.


I was with people from work, and some old MJ friends, and somehow we had pissed off Voldemort. He was giving us an hour to do something (like the end of Harry Potter!) or he was going to kill all of us. There was pretty much nothing we could do, he was going to kill us, so we were like oh well. Somehow it turned into a going away party for one of my coworkers, held in my parents back yard. I was showing everyone my garden, and even though it wasn’t summer yet, it was already growing because of the warmish winter. I already had small tomatoes, some already turning red. Then under my old swing set tower were things I had left growing through the winter, and I had giant GIANT watermelons. Then I realized I didn’t plant watermelons, they must be giant watermelon sized cucumbers. So people were laying on the dirt with the watermelons to take pictures with some scale. The more we wandered the back yard the more the garden grew, I had tons and tons of stuff growing.