the ice bowl cometh!! finally an official announcement of the New Years Day outdoor NHL game in Buffalo. tickets onsale TOMORROW! don’t forget!
how freaking cool is this gonna be?!?!?!!?
they so better market those snowglobes!!!
the ice bowl cometh!! finally an official announcement of the New Years Day outdoor NHL game in Buffalo. tickets onsale TOMORROW! don’t forget!
how freaking cool is this gonna be?!?!?!!?
they so better market those snowglobes!!!
so fantastic. so many meanings to that pic!
no boat ride today, shit weather, so just lunch. boat ride tomorrow but i have to be at the building for something at 2. and i say “something” because i have no idea why i have to be there. i can’t remember for who or for what reasons just that i have to be there at 2. arg. i want to go on the boat. *whine*
oh and last night at work i dealt 14 hands before 8pm even came around. then did nothing for the next 8 hours. the highlight was when water started pouring out of the ceiling next to pit 7 LOL. it’s the vicinity of the pool, and though it appears it was not the pool leaking, but a pipe, it was still funny. they were putting plastic wrap on the tables that were getting wet, classy. ha!
and the nhl2k8 game commercials, featuring “somebody’s watching me” are great
and we’ve lost drury as well…to the rangers. it’s going to be an interesting off season. it was all expected but it’s scary to see both our captains go to eastern conference teams….
i was coerced into getting a facebook profile, and now i haven’t been to log onto it all week…tho others have since they left me messages…
also leighanne still owns and the domain expired…it’s gonna cost 80$ to renew it now that it’s in the grace period. instead i back ordered the domain and when it’s out of the grace period in 30 days hopefully i’ll own it myself. until then, will get you to the website. incase anyone was dying to look at the stuff i HAVENT updated in a long time haha
and the sabres have lost briere 🙁 he signed an 8 year deal with philly for 52mil$. so much for his desire to stay here…ah well, congrats.
well i could have found what to do on my birthday. jeff martin at town ball room, june 28th. the question is…do i really want to see jeff martin solo again? i’m not sure…
game 5 of stanley cup finals, in the 2nd the ducks lead ottawa 3-1…and the 3rd goal, an ottawa guy put it in his own net. i would laugh my ass off if that becomes the game winning goal. go ducks!…and now it’s 6-2 ducks hahahahha and yes, that goal is still the game winner….hahahahahah
EatsTooMuchJam1: GO OTHER TEAM
vacant enigma: FUCK OTTAWA
vacant enigma: haha
EatsTooMuchJam1: Oh, wait. Am I rooting for Canada?
EatsTooMuchJam1: Fuck that.
vacant enigma: exactly
vacant enigma: GO DUCKS
EatsTooMuchJam1: Go Ducks!!!!!!!!!!!
so the sabres season is officially over 🙁 ottawa won in overtime to go on to the stanley cup finals. i guess i have to root for anaheim or detroit now. it was a great season. lots of fun, lots of excitement. they’ll be back in september. 🙂
today was leighanne’s wedding. it was a nice low key affair, very simple and not a silly waste of gobs of money hahaha. i just can’t stand hearing that ppls weddings cost 40k. that’s insanity. so it was nice. when i get drunk i get narcoleptic. i fell asleep in the bathroom. i felt like Zoe hahahahha. early night, where i fell asleep again haha. up now of course and nothing to do. my car is still at adr2s house since i was drunk/sleeping and unable to drive hahaha. feels sorta weird.
(and omg “gay disco song” version of only is on youtube. my fav only moment. would have been better had they been able to get someone yelling “gay disco songs fucking rock” at the end hahaha
i think it’s safe to say i can sadly put away my jerseys for this season. the sabres need to win 4 games, and have 4 games to do it… 🙁 phill decided not to sell the game 5 tickets and go – if there even is a game 5 – so our final profit for the playoffs is about 500$ each. i’ll take it. haha. so go anaheim, i really don’t want to have to root for detroit against ottawa…
still can’t get this fucking dvd to burn. maybe if i delete everything, and dl the whole thing again something magical will happen and the files will work right and everything will be hunky dory. maybe tomorrow.
i was wicked depressed today. for no reason. still pushing ahead with my lower dosage of meds though. we’ll see where things go.
Last night was game1 vs Ottawa. Through the first 2 rounds I didn’t think that atmosphere was the same as it was during the playoffs last year, and I thought it was because this time, we were expected to get to the playoffs, and get to the conference finals, and in 6 more games, get to play for the cup. Last year it was a bit of a surprise. But now, round 3, conference finals – it was nuts. So so loud in the arena, and everyone was just excited and crazy. That quickly went away as Ottawa scored twice in the 1st period. When it was tied, it was nuts again…but we lost 5-2. Wow did the place deflate. Walking out was quiet and so weird. It was foggy in the city too, it was just a surreal moment. Alas, a good thing about the loss…we played like shit haha. We didn’t lose because we played our best and Ottawa was better. So 6 more games to get 4 wins…
Since the playoffs started, this video montage has been played on tv and at the arena before each game, set to music by the hometown Goo Goo Dolls. And while I’m not one for sappy crap, it really is quite touching, and uplifting, and not just for hockey, but for the way it paints Buffalo. And of course, it’s on youtube…(and I must say, I hate that youtube reduces the quality of everything). They’ve been changing bits of it after each round, adding more game clips, and footage from the plaza parties, so i’m not sure which version this is, but it’s the same general idea hah
i dreamed about discussing the movie “office space” with someone, and how all my RIT friends would quote it constantly.
one game down 15 more to win 🙂 playoffs began tonight. i bought a new jersey. hahah. i’m a sucker. i’m still awaiting my tax refund so that’s my justification hah. a blue, blank, kids xl, fits great!! we get to wear jerseys to work on game nights YES!!! that’s the other reason i bought it. anyway. win tonight, and a convincing one. it’s hilarious that everyone boos when satan touches the puck. at first we didn’t notice if people were booing or not, then we realized they weren’t booing because satan had barely touched the puck the entire game. but when he did, the loudest boos i’ve ever heard haha. there was only about 5 of them. he was that much of a non-entity in the game. great fun.
ran into joe when talking to kevin between periods. econoline crush, toronto, memorial day weekend…so may 26th. gonna be tough to get that day off but i think i have a personal day to use. must see trevor this time, buying ticket now haha.
hahahah i love rick jeanneret “i can say there’s plenty of room on the sabres bandwagon, all aboard. next stop toronto ontario, montreal quebec or ny islanders” hahahahahahahah
and the sabres now clinched 1st place overall in the NHL for the first time ever. home ice throughout the playoffs and finals. now we just have to figure out who we get to play. i am praying for toronto. pleaaaaaaase let it be toronto. talk about best series ever, and $$$$$$ for me!!! islanders would be automatic first round win, but less $$$ for our tickets hahahah…
*edit* toronto won, so now islanders need to lose tomorrow.
*Edit* love rick jeanneret i never heard the “legion of doom one” hahahahahh my god he’s the best
and i’m so totally getting sick again.