
dream: the end of the world was coming, in the form of a giant hurricane that was going to last a month and cause all kind of flooding. people were trying to prepare for it (this was all cuz i’m reading Lucifer’s Hammer before bed ha). i still had to go to work the night before the imminent landfall of the hurricane. i debating calling in because 1. most people would be calling in and 2. no one was going to be there playing since we were all about to die. then i realized, no, people will be there because they are degenerates. then i was in some sort of camp in the woods with people from work, still waiting for this hurricane. there was also a subway (train, not the sandwich shop) in the woods, that we kept taking to no where really, for no real reason. i realized that this hurricane was going to cause all this rain and floods yet no one had made the obvious connection to the bible and noah’s ark. then i suddenly had an ipad and was trying to use it to show meredith my photos of Jackson Sanitarium, (because apparently we were in/near Dansville and the “castle on the hill” came up in conversation), and it was a giant piece of crap. it was nearly impossible to type on it without making a mistake, and then the auto correct would suggest the most retarded words that were no where near ever correct. it was clunky and difficult to hold on to, and just very frustrating to use. then i guess i was back at work again, looking out the hotel doors to see how bad the hurricane was, and it was hurricane-ing snow. i thought that was weird, but hey it was the end of the world, anything can happen.

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