entertainment tonight/the insider is doing a helicopter flyover of michael jackson’s neverland ranch, 3 years after he moved out. urbex paradise hahahahah
hockey tonight, vs toronto. we had leaf fans next to us. good thing they were shut out, because i hate dealing with leaf fans haha. and given that 25% of the arena is leaf fans for toronto games, it gets pretty loud. the game was actually pretty boring, but we realized tonight that there are 2 women who share seasons behind us, who are the most annoying people on earth. they insist on “calling” the entire game (but not always correctly), and calling all the players by their nicknames like “Soupy” and “Roysie”…and they are so loud. like shrieking, loud. they have a new nickname for a player… Hector. o.m.g. she drove me nuts calling Hecht, Hector. it doesn’t even make sense!!! we bonded with the leafs fans next to us over these annoying women, because they kept complaining that they were so loud. phill referred to them as Fran Dresher, and the leafs kids called them Roseanne. haha then they started squaking at the women LOL. so every time the women shrieked or called Hecht Hector they’d get squaked at, and I’d go HIS NAME IS NOT HECTOR! i seriously had a headache just from these women. thankfully we don’t seem to go to the same games as they do, i think this is only the 2nd time we’ve noticed annoying nicknames being shrieked throughout the game. but yay. still in 8th.
and it turns out…whoever we sold our tickets to for last sunday’s Zednik injury game…brought their knitting with them and knitted through the whole game. wtf LOL the guys with the tickets next to us actually took a picture of the knitter cuz they were just so flabbergasted hahahah.