took my dad to the sabres game tonight, vs nj. it was stressful. first the weather was pretty terrible, icy, so he drove. my usual parking lot next to the aud was closed…which was depressing because i don’t know if it was closed because the attendant didn’t feel like being out in the ice, or cuz of demolition. so we had to park the next lot over, walk/run in the ice blahblahblah. suck. then the game, lost a 2-0 lead, went to overtime, then shoot out which i figured was another guaranteed loss. stafford was our first shooter, scores. yay we got at least one. our 2nd shooter…tallinder?!?!?!?!?! wtf!?!?!?! then he comes out with a sweet move and scores and we win (miller stopped both nj shooters). awesome! hahahah.
i had noticed alot of NT varsity jackets when i was walking around looking for my dad. turns out there was a TNT hockey team shootout during 2nd intermission (NT won haha). that explains it.