i got to do something today that most people never have the chance to do…shovel their car. my car had a good 2 feet of snow on it. yep. no lie. i used a shovel to get the snow off. hopefully i didn’t do too much damage to the paint, i tried not to. it took me a half hour to get all the snow off. i told my mom and she yelled at me for using the shovel. “dont ever do that again! use the brush” i’m sorry but it’s not practical to use a tiny snow brush, to clean TWO FUCKING FEET OF SNOW off my car.

mom said theres another few feet predicted over the next few days…so who knows what’s gonna happen with the whole Toronto trip. if it doesn’t happen, hopefully the weather will clear up so i can go visit on a normal weekend during break sometime. yay for buffalo winters.

well i took a bunch of pics of the shoveling of the car, and will post them once i get them off the camera after dinner.

oh and yeah, eric did the whole VCD thing for me today, and we watched them to make sure they worked. allllll good! a few are screwed up, like..there was something wrong with the format, and so maybe 2 inches of the left side of the picture shows up on the right side. and one of the EC vids the sound doesnt follow the picture…but other than that, the rest is fine and dandy. and they look really good too. we were watching the orgy in montreal vids, and yeah i miss them so much. they need to get on the road pronto!




if i die today, blame the red cross. cuz SOMETHING is wrong with my arm. when i move my hand/wrist, it feels like all the tendons, veins, arteries etc in my crelbow where they take blood from are moving and tearing apart. it REALLY hurts. this is so not normal.


did the gift thing with eric, adr and danielle today. eric came over around 3:30 cuz we were gonna go out. then it started snowing alot, so we didn’t. but we decided to go out to eat, got adrienne and went to fridays (so i could stock up on mints, since i was low lol..i got 3 handfuls yay). we walked around the mall and headed back home in the snow to watch the sabres game (we actually won!). danielle got home from wherever she was and came over at like 9:30. i must say i’ve gotten tons of stuff on my xmas list this year YAY!…eric got me rattle and hum on dvd, adr got me my phrenology head, and danielle got me something i have to take back. my mom got me the same thing, and i might actually be getting a 3rd one LOL. so after the gift thing we went to dennys, duh, and Tops to buy food for the concert tomorrow. i keep forgetting that we’re going to the Goo goo dolls charity show. it was 15 bucks and a bag of food. so we bought ramen and saltines LOL.

last week i downloaded U2’s remix/cover of “pop muzik” by M. just listened to it today. yeah, it’s scandalous. it could cause a car accident if i was driving while it was on. lol. let’s just say…. fake orgasming in the recording studio.  yeaaaaah

so it’s decided we’re going to toronto on saturday afternoon, until tuesday afternoon. unless it’s blizzarding. and yes that is a verb. it’s a verb if you live in buffalo.

realized today when reading my dvd player manual that it plays mp3s and VCDs…which means all the mpegs i’ve dled i can play on my tv. HOW SPECTACULAR IS THAT?!?!?!? LOL so excited. so tomorrow going to erics with my mpegs to burn them the right way so that i can watch them on tv. hehe yay! i’m so lame.



well eric just informed me the googoo dolls show tonight is probably cancelled. southtowns and buffalo got hit with tons of snow last night, and it’s moving up north here later today.

so now dunno what’s going on. there’s a driving ban i guess, the thruway is closed in areas, and if it’s gonna come up here that means more snow on my car. maybe i should do an experiment and not brush my car off yet…see how much more snow accumulates on it tonight. eh but i need to use my car so…i guess it’s getting brushed off. maybe i’ll start doing a digi cam snow update in my blog. hah  it snowed about 3 more inches between the time eric got to my house around 3:30 and when we left my house around 4:45. probably got 5 inches total yesterday afternoon.

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