Hillary Mother Fucking Clinton

Hillary wrote a book, and she came to Buffalo to do a signing. !! All you had to do was preorder the book from Talking Leaves, so I sent J to do it for me since he was closer and I was scared it would sell out right away when it started last month. He got the new book, and her children’s book, and that got you a ticket to the signing where she’d sign both books. The signing was yesterday at Larkin Square, inside The Filling Station (little cafe).

1000 tickets were available, so I went fairly early to make sure I wasn’t at the end of the line, and I was in the first 300. Old neighbor Jenny was there, from Boston, with her father so I met up with them when I got there, and then again after it was all done. The Buffalo News interviewed me and took my photo for twitter but thankfully I never saw anything get posted. Phew. I had Adr’s mom add some purple satin to one of my suit jackets, like Hillary’s concession jacket, and I wore that over my Nasty Woman shirt, with my Notorious RGB dissent collar necklace. There were all kinds of “girl power” tshirts, people with campaign pins, and other related garb.

There were a few protestors…a guy with a really nicely made sign saying to stop blaming others for her loss blah blah blah. Then a guy in fatigues showed up with a little flag and just kept yelling about Benghazi. And when we left, a 3rd guy had shown up with a cardboard sign I didn’t understand, something like “your pied piper didn’t succeed”…shrug.

Anyway, they let about 50 people at a time in through security, and into the Filling Station, where she was at a table signing books. They took all our books ahead of time so she could start signing before people were being let in to say hi, and then you picked them up after you went through. Once you were in, no cameras so I only got a photo from far away, but that’s ok. Everyone got to go up and say something and shake hands. I never know what to say, so when I got there she was signing a book and it went something like this:

HRC: And how are you today?

Me: I’m good how are you?

HRC: I’m good, thank you for coming.

Me: We really shouldn’t be here right now

HRC: *eye roll* I know.

Me: Thank you for everything. *hand shake, walk away*

HRC: I like the purple lapels.

!!!! YAAAY she noticed and liked the jacket. No one else had noticed until one of her assistants at the front of the line noticed.

So it was a cool experience to get to meet her, and see Jenny again. We grabbed lunch after and talked travel and politics etc. Awesome.

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