if anyone has wondered about my default icon, it’s buster and his traumatizing incident in a photo booth from the tv show Arrested Development. james had brought season 1 dvds over a few times when we were all still friends, and the show was amusing but we never ended up watching all of them. they’re now playing on cbc after simpsons, so i watch it every day and we’re into the 2nd season i think. what an underrated show. you’re watching and you really don’t realize how funny it is until after. very intelligent, and usually incredibly absurd. like having michael and his niece maebey sing kareoke to “afternoon delight”…you really don’t think anything of it until they’re singing and both realize the entire song is about sex. LOL the writers did such a good job coming up with hilarious things people wouldn’t think of. anyway. love the show. buster has now had his hand bitten off by a seal. LOL. he actually reminds me of james sometimes hahah sorry. wish the show hadn’t been cancelled. i read something that showtime picked it up but i don’t know if that was true or not.

oh and i think it’s hilarious that britney spears has shaved her head hahahah

work has changed the radio from the 80s station to the 90s station. it’s like one big middle school dance now. seriously, they play songs i haven’t heard in 15 years. and it’s fantastic.

ok i must have watched vh1s one hit wonders count down a million times, but just now payed attention to the fact that soft cell’s tainted love is a cover….haha i had no clue.

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