Orgy at Water Street


May 19th, 1999 was the Orgy concert in Rochester NY. I went with Danielle and her brother David. We wanted to go really early so we could get right up front for the concert (it was in a small clubish/bar place). So we drove all the way to Rochester, and got there and Ryan was out by the backstage door signing autographs and stuff. So we parked, and went over there to see if we could talk to him. Well, he had to go back inside to do a sound check and stuff. So we were waiting by this back door for, about an hour, with a few other people, waiting to meet the band. They were inside doing sound checks, and stuff. They played “Dissention” 2 or 3 times and we got to hear it perfectly from where we were outside!! It was soo awesome, cuz we heard Jay doing sound check, and I forget what he was saying, but it was funny. So then…They were finished doing that, and they were going to go to the hotel.

So they came out the back stage door, and we got to meet them!!! The first one I met was Amir. My hands were shaking, but he was super super nice. I gave him my silver pen to sign the CD cover with but it wasn’t working, so he had to use his black marker he had, and you can’t see it too good (cuz its on black background). And I got a picture of me and Amir. He’s alot shorter than I thought. He looks really tall in the “blue monday” video, and on stage. He had the same nail polish as Danielle. haha So after that, I went to talk to Jay (I think I talked to Jay next, yeah). I asked him to sign my CD, and for a picture. I was calm, it was cool. Then he put his arm around me for the picture, and I realized he was touching me and it was so weird. I didn’t freak out or anything, it was just, oh my god, Jay’s touching me HAHA. ( his whole time, Danielle and David are talking to the band and getting autographs too). So David starts talking to Jay, and carrying on a normal conversation. He told Jay that they should come to Buffalo and Jay said something like it was bad enough in Rochester, he had to walk 3 hours to find breakfast that morning, and there weren’t even any good malls there. haha After I talked to Jay I went to talk to Bobby. He smelled SOO good haha. I got his autograph, and a picture, which I think looks super cute. After Danielle talked to Bobby, Paige came out. Danielle got Paige’s autograph, but their road manager was trying to get Paige away to go back to the hotel to get changed for the show. He told us all to wait there and Paige would come back and hook us up, but we didn’t want to wait for them to come back and get bad spots inside for the show. So the band left, and we went around to the front of the building to get in line for the show.

There were a bunch of 8 year olds behind us with their father!!! I wouldn’t have WANTED to go see Orgy when I was 8…unreal. Anyway, we get in, and we got a pretty good place, close to the barrier, 3rd row approximately. The opening band, some local band, Distortion 9 or Division 9, something like that, came on. They were um…bad. Then an hour after that Orgy came on AHHHHHHH it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!!!!! They opened with “Dissention” like at UB (actually, they probably had the same play list), and it was sooo awesome. I got pictures!! woo hoo. But so they played “Dissention”, “Gender”, “Fetisha”, “Fiend”(i think), “Stitches”, “Pantomime”, “Blue Monday”(and Jay sang “you spin me round(like a record)” at the end too), a new song I don’t know the name of…um…was that it? It might have been. They played for 50 minutes about. It was SOOO awesome! The crowd was sooo smushed, way worse than UB. But it was better, because you were so jam packed you couldn’t fall. But of course, I have the worst luck with crowd surfers. I got hit again. Some guy kinda landed on me and a bunch of people and we couldn’t get him off us, so I fell on the ground. Someone picked me up and someone else asked me if I was all right. I was, I didn’t even feel it AHHA. Everyone was so nice at this show, not like UB.

So I got way pushed back from Danielle and David. At one point Jay threw one of his towels into the audience and Danielle and David got it. The two of them and the 2 girls who helped me when I fell all had it, and they fought everyone off and then ripped it and shared it. So I have a piece of Jay’s towel!! 🙂 hehe….Um.. so When I got pushed way back, I was stuck right on the edge of the mosh pit, so I just got out of there and I moved back into the crowd where people were calm HAHA. I dried off (I was sweating so much, my hair was soaked, and my Under 21 stamps on my hand all sweat off) and watched the rest of the show. It was so great. I’d definitely go again, besides I need pictures of me with Ryan and Paige, and their autographs!! They better come around here again sometime soon!! So the show ended and I finally found David and Danielle and we left for home. It was so awesome ahhh….

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