ok so WORK SUCKS!! really really badly. i hate it. I got a raise, yeah an insulting 35 cents. it’s not even worth it. i do so much shit there and they give me 35 cents…

so i had a sorta job interview today with a psychologist. I contacted a bunch of drs looking for a job/experience. well one finally contacted me. i went to see him today after playing 5 days of phone tag. so i talked, we worked out an arrangement. i was hoping i could quit mcds…no, can’t, cuz hes not going to pay me. i get to type up client files and stuff and hes gonna show me stuff about testing etc… it’ll be good, just wish i was getting paid so i could quit mcds.

it’s way too freaking hot

oh, and i am so inlove with Bono… haha

and if i have to hear “with arms wide open” at work another 4 times tomorrow i’m going to go postal.


Ok so today was… eventful…I got out of work early so i could go home and shower, so I could go with Christa to see BBMak… hah i know, keep laffing….The school where Christa’s father is principal won this radio station contest to have BBMak perform at the school. Her dad was supposed to get us to meet them, and that’s the only reason why I went. I have no idea who they are, I just know they’re british, and they’re young haha. Turns out we didn’t get to meet them because they left right away.

But anyway, while we were driving to the school, Christa’s car started on fire. We’re in view of the school, maybe 1/4 a mile away, and it starts on fire. It was making this weird noise and it wouldn’t go above 45 mph, it had been before. So we’re like wtf is that noise. Then the noise suddenly stops, and the car starts SMOKING so bad we couldn’t see. So I’m like YOU GOTTA PULL OVER YOU GOTTA STOP and shes like we’re almost there, and i’m like YOU NEED TO STOP NOW WE GOTTA GET OUT OF THE CAR. So she pulls over and stops, and we get out of the car. It was smoking SO bad but I didn’t know what it was, cuz it was white smoke, not black smoke. I thought maybe it was just over heated, but it was SO much smoke. So this girl who had been going the other direction stopped and ran over and is like YOUR CAR IS ON FIRE I SAW THE FLAMES. So we leave the car and this girl takes us to the school.

So Christa tells her dad that the car is on fire, and he didn’t believe her. But I’m like no it really is on fire. We never saw any flames but it was still smoking really bad. So anyway, he took care of that, and we got to watch BBMak….I went deaf from all the high school girls screaming around me. I guess they were good, they’re cute, and they’re british so they’re ok in my book.

Ok so the concert is over, they played like 5 songs.. I knew one of them cuz they play it at work. There was this little boy on the bleachers in front of us, and these girls going nuts behind us, so the camera man for the news was filming them… so unfortunately I’m probably on tv….a bunch of people took pictures of where we were in the bleachers too, its like wtf, I’m 21, I don’t go to school here and I never did haha….

An interesting fact sorta…. the high school where the concert was at is the high school Timothy McVeigh went to when he was a kid….they had super duper security all day since today was Execution day….

just got back from allentown art festival downtown….same as always, lots of stupid people with animals and strollers. got 4 matted pics of last weeks U2 show from the concert picture guy. i might scan them at some point. whatever.

i’m really bored. i don’t have really anything to say but i’m just that bored. my parents looked at a “really nice car” for me today. mom said they’re waiting for the guy to call back cuz the price was more than they wanted to pay or something. i hope i get it. i don’t even know what kind it is HAH…its a car, it runs, i can take road trips and go on concert binges…its kinda funny how i say “concert binges” because binging is usually a reference to food or drugs…concerts are my drug… that’s funny. i had this wack dream last night that i was dating johnny knoxville… its on my dream page if u r interested. of course, go there after ur done here 🙂

while trying to use the video capture card on my dad’s piece of shit computer i had on VH1 and it was forever wild friday… forever wild is this new show on VH1 hosted by Sebastian Bach. well this show is awesome, and he is soooo hysterically funny. he’s so great. they were doing like, metal style, and he was trying on clothes at the store where he gets all his metal gear at called Trash. yeah and he looked really hot sometimes LOL. and he doesn’t like body hair HAHAHAHA…yeah great show.

so yeah, was trying to use the video capture card to encode that vh1 bono thing. 4 weeks ago eric and i did the mpegs of commander tom, and each segment was approx 5 minutes long – 55mb or so. ooook so all i was trying to do was encode this little intro speech bono makes for the award he’s giving away…can i do it? of course not. i don’t know what the hell my dad’s been doing to change the settings and what not, but totally wouldn’t let me. i tried to do the whole thing in 1, and the file was like 2 GB in avi, fine, the others were bigger….except it said it was an invalid file type. so i had to break it down into 3 fucking parts in order to get valid file formats. why can’t my dad just ever leave something alone on that computer. and yeah, totally gave up on encoding the wild horses video a few days ago, no chance in hell that’s ever gonna happen….someone *cough*eric*cough* needs to buy a video card so that i can do this on other ppl’s comps LOL. everything always works better on other ppls comps.

since my net died for like an hour and a half i decided i’d go through the videotapes in my toybox. so i found one labled VH1 fashion awards and ABC in concert. i couldn’t remember MJ ever being on either of them, so i had to put it in. i press play and it’s the rolling stones video for “anybody seen my baby” which carolyn was looking for a few months ago cuz Angelina Jolie is in it LOL i had it the whole time. so then i’m like ok rewind, let’s watch the fashion awards. well i taped it cuz the stones performed on it. so i watched their parts, and fastforwarded the rest. well i decided to stop after some commecial break to see who the host was introducing…and she was introducing BONO! LOL so of course i jump up and run closer to the tv. LOL its from 97 so it’s short hair popmart bono. it was SO cute. he was talking about how irish were trendsetters cuz now all the designers had their retro 70s fashions and the irish were wearing those in the 80s LOL and how the irish created that waif shit HAHA. and so he presented the award for best personal style female to courtney love. she went up there and he like kisses her neck LOL. then he sat down on the stage behind her during her speech LOL tooooo cute. so now i gotta mpeg that so i can have that tape to record over. lol. toooo funny.

all week i’ve been randomly been getting the Jackson’s song “Torture” in my head… LOL

random, but i graduate on may 25th.

i ate an apple today. i really don’t like apples. they just don’t do anything for me. i had half a grapefruit too. and 2 medium sized iced teas since work was out of bottled water. and a yogurt. i really really want something fried, but my heart is being weird, and i guess i should try to eat healthier. i wonder what’s for dinner tonight. i’m starving.

hedwig is such a great movie!!!!!! it’s so adorable, and so fun, and john cameron mitchell is so cute!! cute in a platonic way, not in a sexy way…cuz hes gay and all that LOL. but yeah… so love this movie!! i watched it in bed last night, and then watched the 2 deleted scenes. the one is a different version of the mall scene when hedwig goes to see tommy gnosis. and it has this part of Itsak remembering how he met Hedwig in Croatia haha…theres also a part with the manager having a phone installed in her head, and that part is dumb. but the part about Itsak and Croatia should have been left in cuz it explains something i didn’t catch the first time around. Hedwig was married to Itsak. When Itsak gets invited to do Rent, he goes to yell at Hedwig and asks for a divorce… didn’t realize that when i saw it in the theatre….and it’s not mentioned anywhere else in the movie. just that they were lovers or whatever. but in the deleted sceen, Itsak proposes to Hedwig…and it all makes sense. haha….THIS MOVIE IS SO GREAT!!!!!


this is too great. i was looking for my “fashion photo shoot” pictures from when i was in greece in 96, but instead i found a bunch of my old school work. i’m scanning some that will be up later, but this one….it’s a thanksgiving card and it says “we are thankful for…school, food, pilgrams, family, friends, and church.” LOL CHURCH! i never went to church as a kid, why the hell would i say that? i must have been told to put that down LOL.

this other stuff is from MPP and i’m realizing.. i didn’t do a very good job LOL….I got G’s (we had a messed up grade scale, not A, B…etc… it was FR – first rate, the highest, G – good i guess…i don’t remember the rest…)

HAH i found another thanksgiving book from 2nd grade…written and illustrated by Sara Etten. Once again….”thanksgiving is… for family, for freedom, for schools, FOR CHURCH, for people, for pets, for my house, and hospldolls.” HAHA HOSPLDOLLS!!!! it’s supposed to be HOSPITAL! hahahahahah

we must have had to do a journal in 1st grade, cuz there is a whole folder of things i wrote about the year….one of them is about Commander Tom and me being nervous when he talked to me (and i do remember being really nervous)….and there is one about not liking seat work…but when Commander Tom asked me what I’d do as principal I told him I’d give the kids more work to do…and that we didn’t have enough work. LOL and then i’m scanning this one journal entry that is “my mail box got trashed on sunday” with a picture of my mailbox exploding LOL…it did get trashed. hahahaha

my mom found my photo shoot pics… it is so unreal. The guy who did them, Charles…he liked me a bit too much, and he was really strange. well he addressed the package he sent with the proofs and stuff to me…instead of to my parents. Then he sent me a 2nd letter with the photo negatives (which aren’t here…wonder where they are)…at least he couldn’t make any more prints of me or anything lol. I wonder if he remembers me. I wonder if he has a website… lol. nope…no website. he’s on websites, there’s one about his Women and Horses exhibit…and people who had him as a mentor…and photo credits on sites in DC…i really hated these photos he took of me at the time, but now… they’re not half bad. esp cuz most of them are in profile, and i HATE my profile…lol.

3 weeks ago my parents went to Toronto to see Mama Mia….then my dad thought it would be nice to buy the soundtrack to the musical, and give it to my mom for xmas. so now i’m upstairs, and my mom is blasting it downstairs, clapping and jamming along. AND i had to listen to it in the car on the way home from Michigan. Now there is nothing wrong with ABBA…me and carolyn were singing it at her house when they were on muchmoremusic…but I really don’t need to be upstairs hearing this. arg.

well i went out today. i slowly made my way downtown….ok all the snow must have melted, cuz buffalo looked normal. i mean, it was still snowy. maybe like 2 feet on the ground (i know cuz i had to walk in it)…even the drifts were only “normal buffalo winter” height. whatever.

so i went to barnes and noble cuz i have 2 gift certificates, but there is nothing i want. they don’t sell movies, and their cds are too expensive. and all the books i wanted i got (screwtape letters, u2 book)….so i don’t know what i’m going to buy. I might wait til jan 22nd and get the new NIN cds there…maybe by some twist of fate they’ll have the NIN dvd too and i can get both there. but whatever.

then i went to media play, was gonna buy the hedwig dvd…i walked around the store with it, found an “elevation” cd single that had extra tracks on it that i wanted to own (and the book is a poster…like i need another u2 poster…and it’s a canadian import cd, it smells bad, just like the tea party tangents cd book. all my canadian cds reek)…and i was gonna maybe get myself the popmart vhs (they didn’t have it, they didn’t have any u2 vhs tapes). ended up putting hedwig back cuz i figured i’d check circuit city and bestbuy to see if it was cheaper…so just got the elevation single. then went to circuit city and got hedwig dvd (it was cheaper). circuit city is retarded. they have random checkouts around the store, but no central check out… like near the door. how retarded is that. whatever. so then i headed downtown, went to frizbees and got an orgy vapor transmisson promo cd in hopes that it’s the 5th one i don’t have (haven’t looked yet)…. and…THE BEST CD EVER!!!!!!!!!!! Vanilla Ice Extremely Live. LOL dude when Ice tours, i’m SO bringing this cd for him to sign, hell yeah.

so after that, drove downtown more to the psych center to photographize the scary tower building (Buffalo State Hospital). this is THE greatest building ever. I would do anything to get inside. when we went on the fieldtrip there we were supposed to go see inside the 1st floor that had been refurbished for a movie, but the lady couldn’t find the key. i was so pissed. but yeah, i’d do anything to go inside and photographize it. even if it’s a health hazard and dangerous cuz it’s in such disrepair, i don’t care. WANT TO GO INSIDE!! i gotta go back in the summer to photographize it more, when there isn’t 2 feet of snow for me to walk through. cuz yeah, my feet and ankles are frostbitten now. but gotta go get the photographs off the digi camera, and i’ll have them up on in arms of undertow in a bit. plus carolyn’s geneseo party pics.

home from toronto. good times good times. i blogged what we did saturday night…sunday we got up late, sat around for a long time watching this Fromage show on muchmusic where they make fun of cheesy videos. we forced ourselves to go to the grocery store to get dinner, realized it was WAY fucking cold. didn’t really wanna head downtown to try to go to the drag show again too cold…so we didn’t do anything sunday. we watched blade and blood and wine (yay stephen dorff). monday we headed downtown to do some shopping on queen street and stuff. didn’t buy anything, but it was cool. headed back to carolyn’s house for dinner and being lazy. then headed downtown again around 11 for new years stuff. we went to the harbor or something to see if there were fireworks this year, but no one was around. so we got back on the subway to go to the concert new years bash thing. sooooo many people. it was actually really horrendous LOL. but we stood around there… or well leaned ourselves up against everyone else there to listen to david usher on stage. he did 2 songs, then it was midnight, and then he did auld lang syne (sp?) and another one of his songs. when he finished people were leaving, and brilliant adrienne and danielle decided to break up a fight that almost broke out between 2 black guys in front of us. yeah, that was SO smart. nothing happened, the guys didn’t fight so i guess adr and danielle were successful. but me and carolyn stood there like WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY DOING!!! and then we yelled at them LOL. smooshed onto the subway to go to a bar near carolyn’s house for a while, then back to her house. we watched silence of the lambs cuz i had never seen it. it was rad. yep. good times good times. now i’m home, yay.

i’m hungry. i just ate but i’m still hungry. blah.


oh yeah. the border crossing back to the states today was…um…the weirdest one i’ve ever done.
guy: where do you live
us: NT
guy: where were you
me: toronto
guy: why
me: visiting a friend
guy: how long have you known them?
me: 6 years
guy: how’d you meet?
me: *lies* um…school i think, yeah, school.
guy: what’s in the trunk?
me: our luggage
guy: do you have anything bizzare in your car?
me: *weird look & laff* no
guy: do you have any civil war bayonnets, antelope antlers or eagle eggs?
us: *laff*
me: *laff* no!
guy: go ahead.

LOL WTF IS THAT?!?! CIVIL WAR BAYONNETS? ANTELOPE ANTLERS?!?!?! HAHAH he didn’t ask us if we purchased anything, or our citizen ship, but he asks if we have ANTLERS?!?!?! yah we killed them while hunting with our civil war bayonnets!!!

McDonalds Stories

June 23, 1999 – Here are a few things for you from the last beanie baby promotion…. People lined up in drive thru starting at 4 AM (we open at 6) for the stupid International Bear toys. At my store, if a car has been sitting on the speaker for a long time I guess it turns off, because I couldn’t use the headset to talk to the car, so he had to pull to my window. So I asked him what he wanted and he ordered 2 things and wanted 10 bears. I told him we had a limit of 5 bears per order, and he started aruging with me about how he had bought 10 bears last week, and I said no you can only buy 5 those are the rules. So he goes, well I’m not moving until you sell me 10. So I said, fine that you can talk to my manager. I got my manager and she told him, and he wouldn’t listen. So our supervisor (who was in our store that day because we had Full Field) came and talked to him. And he was still arguing about it, but then finally he just bought 5 and left. haha….there was  another crazy beanie lady who claimed we shorted her 3 toys in her happy meals, and that she wanted to come in and get 3. So we said, fine, since you should have gotten toys 1, 2 and 3 you can come in and get the same ones. But no she wanted to get 4, 5 and 6. And we told her no, she paid for 1, 2 and 3 she could only get those. So she said fine and was going to come in. She called again 2 mins later and asked AGAIN why she couldnt get the next 3. And we told her, the rules said you can only get what you paid for…she was all like, but Idon’t understand. So finally after talking to my store manager 3 times, one of the assistants started answering her calls about why she couldnt get 4, 5 and 6. So she talked to the assistant twice, and then I answered the phone and talked to her 4 more times. EACH TIME SHE ASKED THE SAME THING and each time her story changed a little more. This time she told me that she had 1, 2 and 3 and wanted to trade them in for 4, 5 and 6. And I go, I thought you didn’t get the toys in your happy meal. And she stuttered and was like, yeah, I didn’t get them. My sister in law gave them to me AHAHHAHA what a loser .

This is a cute story. One of our workers was abandoned by his parents when he was 3 or 4, and he hadn’t seen them in 16 years. Well his biological father called during the morning, and then came to pick him up after his shift. He went out in to the parking lot to meet his real father for the first time in 16 years, they shook hands and everything.. awww it was sooo cute me and my manager were staring at them out the drive thru window, and it was soo nice!! awww

Spring 1997 -BEANIE BABY MANIA….You don’t even know what a mad house you crazy beanie people created at McDonalds. The phone was ringing off the hook, and we began answering the phone, “BlahBlah Drive McDonalds, we have such and such beanie baby for the next 10 minutes.” and eventually we had to say, “BlahBlah Drive McDonalds, we have NO more Beanies left.” It was a total crazy scene. Everyone employed at my McD’s was working that week of hell. If you went to a McDonalds during that week you would know what a crazy place it was. You could expect to stand in a line outside the door for at least an hour at some points in the day. When we sold our last Beanie, people actually got in fights. Of course, people were getting mad at the wait (hey you try working in a fast food restaurant with moron customers, it’s alot harder than you think) and people were getting mad that there were no napkins left out in lobby. Well SORRY I had other customers to attend to, you’re not the only McCustomer in the world, get a grip. Anyway, I guess the story was, this guy had waited for like a half hour in drive thru or SOMETHING, I never quite understood what he said about that part, and his order was totally wrong or something, and he had come in, and had to wait in line again until we could fix it, and then it was wrong again. He said we were rude or something, and our manager was just standing there listening to him complain. He asked her if that was the way they trained their crew people, to be mean and rude and stuff, and she didn’t know what to say, she just said no, they aren’t supposed to act like that, but we had been under extreme pressure and we were so busy we couldn’t handle it, and if we had been rude we were truely sorry. Well he kept complaining about our service and then he THREW his bag of food at our manager. It hit our ice cream machine and flew all over. By that time it had slowed down a little bit, and there was a lady standing at the counter with her daughter. She started yelling at the man, and telling him to grow up and be a bit more  mature. When he threw the food at our manager she yelled at him, “Yeah that was mature.” and she covered her daughters ears, and told her never to act like that bad man. It was SO funny, but we were quite upset. Our manager ran back crying, I almost started crying from that dumb man, and the fact that it had been an awful busy crappy beanie filled moron customer day. One lady tried to give me a $2.00 tip and I had to refuse, we aren’t allowed to accept tips. She was like, ” but you are doing such a great job, come on take it.” I didn’t take it.

McDonalds stories

Stories from my old McDonald’s Stories Blog


October 3, 2000 – Apparently one of the stores in my area got robbed last night with a hand grenade. The moronic part of it, is that the robber crashed his car in the parking lot when he was trying to get away, and so he got caught. haha

August 23, 2000 – The Coca Cola secret shop lady came into work today. I had jumped on counter to clear out the customers, and was about to go back and get stock when I decided to take her order. I like to do a good job on counter, whenever I’m there (which isn’t often) cuz it makes the other 2 retarded counter people we have look even worse. So I smiled at the lady, took her value meal order, and asked if she wanted it large or supersized. So I get the order together, and she’s like, “Sara, great job. I’m from Coca Cola, and because you smiled at me right off the bat, and asked for supersizing you guys win a bunch of stuff.” haha. She took my name, and everyone who was there got pins, and these duffel bag things. And lucky me, I got this cardboard gold medal to wear around my neck (which my manager is making me wear tomorrow for our owner/operator review). Last year the person who asked for supersizing during the secret shop got money. I didn’t get any money :P. She took my last name though, so maybe I’ll get something sent to the store.

August 18, 2000 (from Amanda) – Old McFaithful…a girl was doing dishes Friday night and the sprayer kinda fell off..like the whole thing right off the faucet. It was shooting super hot water straight up to the ceiling for like a half hour. Me, a manager, and another person were drenched from trying to stop it. We tried all the shut off valves but none of them worked. Finally when Service Tech showed up we learned you need to turn off 2 valves or something. We ended up tying two aprons around the hole to kinda stop the water. The crew room was flooded….took forever to mop up. I risked my life and my non-waterproof mascara to kick all the drains out cuz the girl was too busy flipping out to realize they were all stopped up.

August 17, 2000 – We got a new coffee brewing machine, because we’re having an Owner/Operator review next week. Our old coffee brewer was a piece of crap. With the old one we had to brew a pot of water for hot tea, and with the new one, there is a hot water spout that actually works. The water is extremely hot. There is a man who comes in every day and orders a Senior Citizen hot tea. He asks for it to be microwaved so it’s burning hot. I always thought this was odd, even with the old way of having a pot, because it’s the same temperature as the coffee, HOT! But we’d microwave it for him. Today he ordered his tea, and I did not microwave it. I told him we have a new water spout and that it’s so hot, he doesn’t need it microwaved. He went on about well I’m drinking it, I’m paying for it. And I said, trust me, it’s very hot. But he was bitching so I microwaved it (for a minute, most of the water boiled out. I hope he burned his entire mouth with it). Apparently, while I was microwaving his stupid water, he asked another counter person why we always have such smart asses here. Meanwhile, my store manager (the 4th one I’ve worked under, but finally a good one) was telling me about how the guy is always such a prick. When I told him how long I microwaved the water for, and how the man called me a smart ass, my manager laughed so hard. The man later came for a refill and didn’t ask for it microwaved. He said he was going to “Try the new water”. Whatever. A few weeks ago, I took this same man’s order. He orders an english muffin and his tea. Well I swear he said egg mcmuffin, and tea, so that’s what I rang up, and it was 2.81. He said it was wrong, it should be 1.81. So I told him what I had, and he said no,  I want a plain muffin. So I changed it, I never took the money, and never over charged him.  He said, I must not have been working there long if I didn’t know his order. I told him I’ve been working there for 4 years. Later that morning, I overheard him bitching to one of our other employees about how some girl charged him 2.81 for his breakfast (which I DID NOT!) Just because you’re old doesn’t mean you have the right to complain about everything. I did nothing wrong. This leads me on another tangent, to the 2 old women who come in every day and order some kind of bagel sandwich. It must be lightly toasted (or else they can’t chew it) and cut in half (so they can share). I’m usually on break when they are in lobby eating, and they always sit near me. Every day I overhear the one woman complaining about the hardness of the bagel, or the taste of the coffee. If you don’t like it, why the hell do you keep coming back every day. Go to Burger King or Duncan Donuts. Duncan has bagel sandwiches too! This leads me to the lady who called this morning and complained on the phone to our opening keyholder for 15 minutes. She ranted about the attitude of our employees, and how yesterday she only got 1 butter with her hotcakes (even though it’s policy to only give out 1 butter, and the person who did it was our store manager), and how the hotcakes are always hard (they are not, I eat them every day) , and how she never gets her free water (even though she never asks for it) and how she doesn’t have time to sit on the phone and complain about it. WELL THEN DON’T! Don’t call and complain, don’t come every morning for hotcakes, ask for more butter if you want it, and ask for the damn water.

August, 2000 – a lady came in and wanted the Drive Thru club special hamburgers for 49 cents. She said she wanted 4 hamburgers and 3 plain hamburgers. That would be a total of 7 hamburgers. Well she got to the window, and confusion insued because she apparently couldn’t add 4 plus 3.

April 8, 1998 (but it happens everyday)- I love it when people order a “cheeseburger plain, with only catsup and mustard”…well duh, if you want catsup and mustard on it, it isn’t plain is it??

March 29, 1998-When the weather turns nice, does that mean that customers can be more retarded than usual? No, I wouldn’t think so. But everyone else does. It is finally nice weather, and so we were MAD busy, and we weren’t expecting it to be. So of course, I was in back drive thru, I am always in back drive thru. A person pulls up to the speaker, and I asked them to take their order, and I SWEAR they said something about a coke. So I asked, ” I’m sorry, you said a coke, what size?” and they said ” I didn’t say anything”. So I said,” I’m sorry, I thought you said something, what would you like?”. And they said, ” I didn’t say anything I just pulled up to the speaker.” very rudely. Then they took forever to order. So she gets to my window, and is glaring at me, and is really rude, and she said, “Does the receipt come out here or up there.” really snotty. bitch… Ok then, this I didn’t even know happened until I went on break. But someone came through, and I took their order, REPEATED it to them, and they paid. Then, so they told me, she got to the next window, and I had charged her for 2 chocolate milk shakes and she wanted 3, so she started to have a fit. She said, ” You better tell that girl back there to clean her god damn ears out. You god damn people can’t do a god damn thing right.” So then we had to pull her, because we were waiting on something or another. So she came in, and started yelling at my manager, that “we can’t do a friggen thing right in this damn place,” and that we would be hearing from her again “because I’m gonna right a god damn letter to everyone in this god damn company.” God…get a grip.

Then my manager was telling me about these customers she had, asking about the Monopoly® game, which is being played right now. They asked her if she knew which tickets were the winning ones. YEAH RIGHT, if we knew, wouldn’t we keep them for ourselves?? Besides how would we know anyway? Then someone else called on the phone, asking for the number of the main office, because we were playing Monopoly® wrong!!!

March 13, 1998-Some people have NEVER came through Drive thru before. Well that is how it seems. This man came through drive thru, and ordered, then he asked if we have any kind of drink that is Diet and Decaffinated.. um.. NO hello?!? How many restaurants have that? NONE ok, so stupid question. Then he said, ok since you don’t have anything like that I’m gonna change my whole order around. So we took everything off his order, and started over again. Then he ended up reordering half that he had taken off, and he make this big whole ordeal about it. God has he never been through drive thru before? He was holding up the whole freaking line. Then people yell at us for it taking a long time, and in reality it was the moron customer ahead of him. Then he gets to my window, and it turns out he’s a “regular” someone I recognize as coming alot. What a moron.

February 18, 1998-Satan. Satan came through drive thru. Yes he did. This man came through, and he looked just like you would think Satan looked. It was so scary. Then that girl from Melrose place who got fired because she was pregnant came through. No not really, but this woman who looked like her did. Then a woman who looked like a teacher at my school came through. So we started a game, name that drive thru person. It was alot of fun. We ended up having a guy who looked like my neighbor, and a guy who looked like James Hetfield of Metallica come through!

February 15, 1998-I’m incompetent. Yep that’s right, yours truly, who just got a PROMOTION to shift supervisor at my McD’s is an incompetent worker. I was in front drive thru, Sunday morning, with a sale on Sausage McMuffins with egg. Eggs take about 4 minutes to cook. We get thousands of orders at once, and in drive thru when you are waiting on food, you tell the car to go park and we’ll bring out their food. Well I had to pull at least 10 cars, because they were all waiting on some kind of Sausage Mc Muffin sandwich. Ok well then they all decide to come in at once, and start yelling at me, and telling me that I am incompetent. It is not my fault we didn’t have any eggs cooked, and when you order 10 Sausage Mc Muffins, you have to expect to wait. But could I be mean and actually tell them what was going on? NO I had to be nice and say ” I’m very sorry, there is nothing I can do. Thank you for waiting.” Great, but I was being called incompetent and being yelled at by 20 customers at the same time. NICE that is how I want to start my day, on the verge of tears. During this big commotion, some old man comes through drive thru and orders some stupid meal, some sandwich or something, and he asks, ” Is there a fork in the bag?” and I said, “No, let me get you one.” quite politely. I get him the fork and he says, ” You people can never get anything right.” HELLO but how many people eat sandwiches with FORKS? HOW THE HELL WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?!?! idiots.

February 8, 1998-Stupid customer #1.-A man came through the Drive Thru, it was 6:00 PM. He ordered a Sausage McMuffin with Egg. We said, “I’m sorry sir, but we stopped serving breakfast at 11:00AM.” He replied,  “But its 6 oclock!” UMOK whatever man, what have YOU been smoking? Stupid customer #2.-Ok its quarter to 7 on a Sunday night in February, how many customers do you think we are going to get? Right, barely any… well….Not always.  We were not prepared for a sudden rush to hit near 7 pm, so we of course, were down major Big Macs, I was down about 15 at one point, just on counter, and Drive Thru was down 25 at one point. So this mad crazy lady was in drive thru, and she had been waiting for a minute, a measly minute. Now when it is a Sunday night almost 7 in February and we get no customers, when we DO get customers they have to wait to get fresh food. You can expect to wait at least 5 minutes if you have a big order, in drive thru in the winter. So this lady is waiting for a minute when she starts to lay on her horn BEEEEEEEEEPBEEEEEEEEEEPBEEPBEEPBEEEEEEEEEEEEP ( you get the idea) non stop BEEEEEEping…it was mad crazy. So I had a lobby full of people and I was the only counter person, drive thru was backed up, and our manager was in grill trying to make dumb Big Macs for us. This lady is BEEEEEEPing her brains out. There was a lady at the first window, who then stuck her head out the window and started screaming at the crazy woman, “SHUT UP AND WAIT YOUR F***IN TURN B***H.” It was a pure mad scene. Our manager was getting extremely mad at the annoying beeping in drive thru, so she told our back booth worker to refuse to server her. So when she got to his window he said, “I’m sorry m’am we cant serve you.” She started yelling at him and pounding on his window, “I wanna speak to your manager.” blah blah blah So he said, “I’m sorry but she is very busy trying to get the customers served.” and he walked away. So the lady was stuck in line, and wasn’t getting any food, so she continued to cause a mad ruckus outside in line, laying on the horn BEEEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEPBEEPBEEEEEEEEEEEP. She started screaming out her window for the cars in front of her to get out of the way, and BEEEEEEEEPing at them. So finally she is the next car, and she is 2 inches away from the car in front of her as she BEEEEEEPS screams and drives out of drive thru, mad crazy woman.

Any day-I just love when you serve someone, and they go sit down for 5-10 minutes, and then  come back to the counter with their fries and say, “My fries are cold, can I have some warm ones.” or “My fries were only half filled can I have a whole one.” and you KNOW they are conning you, but you have to give them new fries, because the customer is always right, even if they are wrong. Or I love it, when we had the Monopoly® game pieces, we ran out of the cups with them on it, so we had to give them hash brown wrappers so they’d get their pieces. I had to put them on the tray, and stuff, and this woman who I KNEW I gave her pieces came up and said, “My friend got pieces but I didn’t.” so I HAD to give her more.