Econoline Crush Niagara Falls

econoline crush – may 6, 2001 – niagara falls, ny

EC played a free show with 3 doors down at Niagara University. We weren’t sure if we were going to be able to see it, because there was no straight information about if the show was only for students or not. But we figured we’d try anyway, and good thing we did because we just walked right up to the barrier.

We waited around for the sun to go down so we weren’t blinded and EC came on. No one knew who they were. It was kinda weird. Me, Adrienne (who didn’t think she knew them, but ended up knowing some), Eric, Joe and his friend who I wasn’t introduced to, were the only people there practically who knew EC or the music. There were a few other random kids who were there to see EC. So they played their set, 10 songs (Surefire, Sinking, Trash, My Salvation, Sparkle and Shine, Make It Right, The Devil You Know, All That You Are, You Don’t Know What It’s Like, and Wicked with NIN’s Head Like A Hole inserted). It was great as usual. It has to be hard to play to a crowd who doesn’t know who you are, but they pretended they were having fun. hah. So we sang along with the songs, and made a lot of noise to make up for everyone else. As soon as Trevor came out all the stupid sorority girls around me were like “oh my god, he’s hot” and then whenever Trevor stuck his tongue out they’d scream. Kinda funny, kinda annoying. Trevor talked to the crowd a few times in between songs, mentioned something about how they went to see the Falls that day, and how it wouldn’t be his honeymoon destination of choice…but maybe it’d inspire you to… and then he started pelvic thrusting so all the girls screamed lol.

So anyway, they finished their set and me and Joe got setlists. We left our spot to go find them to sign stuff for us. Adrienne was kinda mad because she wanted to stay there for 3dd. But we left and went to the side of the stage near the busses and yellow police tape to wait around for the band. We saw Mark and Johnny walking around so we yelled for them (or well, Eric did haha). Mark came over, and he kept trying to get Johnny to come over. Mark was like “I’m the new guy you’re not supposed to know my name”. He signed a bunch of stuff for us and some other people who were standing around. Then he did get Johnny to come over and sign stuff. He talked to everyone for a while. We had to wait longer for Ziggy and Trevor but they came out and signed stuff, I got a pic with Trevor.

Then 3dd went on so I went over to the side of the crowd to watch with Adrienne, and gave Eric my setlist because he was going to wait to talk to Dan. So we watched the show, Eric and Joe talked to Dan and he signed stuff for us. He also told us in the event that we couldn’t pick up our passes for the acoustic show the next night, we could just find him and he’d get us in. So that was cool.

3dd finished, their set was good, same as always. They played, I think, every song from the record, and 4 new songs. Encore with Loser. It was their last show of the tour, I bet they just wanted to get it done and leave.


Trevor’s Tour Diary entry for the NU show – “Niagara, New York

Sadly this was our last day on the 3 Doors Down tour. We had such a great time playing with these guys that we
were dreading this day. This is the first band in all our years of playing that gave us a thank you card. Just a great
bunch of guys and a wonderful organization to work with.
We just wanted to mention some people that helped make the Niagara show fun. Ted for keeping the thing rolling.
Marybeth for all her hard work. Ziggy wanted to thank Nicole. Dan wanted to thank Joe and Eric and all their
friends (That would be us).
The crew guys for 3dd were great too! Special thanks to Gary and Lulu.

The show was outside and it was very cold but the audience hung in there. A lot of people from this show
followed us to Buffalo. The fan base is getting bigger day by day.”

That was it, it was cool, onto the acoustic show…

econoline crush webcast

econoline crush – march 30, 2001 – toronto, on

Mary got special passes for the webcast for being on the street team, and was nice enough to invite me to see the show. We got there way later than we thought, but it was ok since they didn’t open doors til after 10:30. Only problem was that I told Carolyn to meet us there around 8:30, so she had been waiting for a long long time. It turned out ok tho, because she ended up holding our place in line, about 5 back from the beginning! woo hoo. We waited outside for a while, and then doors opened. They gave us a hard time about our New York State IDs but whatever. We got in and got to the barrier. The stage was way small, probably the size of my closet room at school haha. We stood around and waited for the show to start, no openers thank god! They came on around 11:30. Oh my god. They are great live. Trevor is incredible. I don’t think I’ve seen any singer as sexy as he is on stage, it’s amazing. I don’t think you can appreciate Trevor’s hotness until you see him live, it’s indescribable. It’s sex on stage haha. Anyway. They played 11 songs: surefire, sinking, trash, my salvation, home, may I go, you don’t know what it’s like, all that you are, sparkle and shine, make it right, wicked. No encore, technically it was wicked, but Trevor said something about how since it was a webcast they weren’t going to go offstage and come back for an encore, just to pretend they had left and come back. hah. The show was awesome, the new stuff sounded great live. Looking forward to seeing them again. After the show Eric stole the setlist, and then we waited off to the side of the stage where the black curtain was, where the band was doing interviews. A few of them came out to talk to us, got autographs from the drummer. We waited a while longer for the rest of them (but they were at the private party as we saw when we were leaving). We didn’t want to wait any longer, since we had to drive home, so we left. Mad cool.