July Books

23. The Nazi Doctors – Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide by Robert Jay Lifton – a heavy book that took me over 4 months to read. Interesting but a bit too much for someone like me who is just looking for a little history and insight.

24. Perfect Little World by Kevin Wilson – This book came from this list of 18 laugh out loud books for your book club.  The write up sounded like, sure, that could be amusing. Turns out, it WAS NOT. Nothing about this story was even the slightest bit amusing. It was sad, it felt lonely, and it was not at any point humorous. And even though I guess it had a happy ending, it didn’t feel uplifting. It wasn’t bad, but going into it thinking it was going to be funny made it into a let down.

25. Flush by Carl Hiassen – Another amusing book by Hiassen with quirky characters and a fast moving story. Many more of his books on my list to go.

26. The Girls by Emma Cline – a fairly quick read about girls in a cult, that is absolutely hands down no question based on Charles Manson. It wasn’t bad, wasn’t mind blowing.

27. Looking for Alaska by John Green – I’ve read several of his books now, they are enjoyable and typically have a good story.

In Progress:  Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell, The Unbearable Lightness of Scones by Alexander McCall Smith

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