wow yesterday was amazing!!!
i love orgy.
so…the show. i wore my fake hair and it only sorta hurt, and it didn’t get pulled out so it was wonderful….anyway, headed out around 5 with leighanne adr and james. we were meeting danielle and her friend erika at the show because they spent the day in toronto. i figured we’d eventually find them. turns out while driving down bloor someone walked right in front of my car…and it was danielle LOL. so we caught up with them, stopped at a restaurant/bar for some of us to eat, then headed to lee’s palace to wait in line for doors at 9. danielle met a bunch of the boys again while we were eating, which is totally cool for her.
lee’s palace is super super small. smaller than showplace. so it was fabulous. aphasia opened for orgy. they’re signed to jay’s label. they were really good. young too. james bought their cd after the show, gonna have to burn it for myself. the lead singer looked like a cross between james, ian, and tommy gnosis haha. so that was cool.
and orgy…gah. what to even say?!?! it has been far too long since we saw them. ended up in front of amir and paige. there was no space between the “barrier” and stage (it was a padded rail attached to the stage). the show was great. jay had some mic troubles, and apparently was a bit sick so paige and ryan were helping with vocals. it was paige’s birthday, so one of the roadies brought out a cake for him and everyone sang happy birthday. it was so fun. the set list was something like:
(the order is messed up)
inside my head
107 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
fetisha (!!!!!!!!!!)
blue monday (jay’s mic stopped working during the “you spin me round” addition, unfortunately)
the obvious
eva (!!!!!!!!!!!)
encore: stitches
the show made 2 more orgy converts, and james seems to have a good time too. gah. so great. they make me so happy. ryan looks like such trash though. bad bad hair. they’re such a fun band. i totally want to go see them again. gah love them.
headed home after the show. got hassled by the nazi border guy, got home around 2:30 and crashed. great great night. yay!